I don't care what Jeff says I am flippin' stunning!! Picture was taken yesterday by Hannah!! I literally sat on the ground on front of Cameron's school. No shame when it comes to the possibility of a good picture of me ;) Why am I sitting on the ground? It smooths out the neck's' ;) Gives the illusion of only having one!!
Well it's been six weeks since my Cervical Disk Surgery! I feel confident and great that it happened. My left hand is usable again. No more 'shakes' that take up my arm. My shoulder and shoulder blade no longer feel like a hot knife has been gently put into them. I still experience pretty bad pain in my spine where the extra bone was placed. He said that would take longer but it sure would of been nice to have a smiley face on the calendar!! I am still very limited to the amount of time I can sit in a kitchen chair or even this desk chair. And by the end of the night I am getting some serious Ben-Gay action going. Menthol sincerely rocks my world!! My neck where the incision was made still aches once in awhile. But what I have noticed the most is what sitting on the couch for almost 2 months will do to a body. I have no energy at all!! I get worn out so very easily. Not that I was a pillar of health when this all started but now I am so much more out of shape!! I would give anything for an indoor pool right about now. I am being weaned off of allot of my meds so my sleep schedule is almost back to normal. That makes a HUGE difference! So hopefully I might be tagging along with Jason when he goes to PT in the morning.....hopefully ;)
BTW Jason found out that he is going back to Iraq in Sept. After taking care of me all these weeks he says he needs to go just to have a vacation!! I was quite the demanding patient. Requiring all that food and water!! Poor Jason!
My official follow up appt. with my Doctor is this Friday. I will let you all know how that goes!!