Friday, March 28, 2008

100% MAN !!!!

Happy Birthday Jason! 35 years old!!

A few gray hairs on the side of the head now. A wee bit extra around the tummy line. And he goes to bed much earlier then he used to.

But he is still a computer nerd. Still doodling all the time. Still a reader. Still a metal head!

Back on to the hardcore face! Grandma Ann doesn't like it!!

Back in the day this pose would be obvious. Now it just looks like he is sticking his gut out ;) Thank goodness he doesn't read my blog!

How can this one NOT be on the next Air Force recruitment poster!?!?

The Magnum of course ;)

Rock on Jason!! Here's hoping you have at least another 35 years!Tomorrow we are going to celebrate with dinner and his favorite eclair dessert!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I can't babble to much about these pictures cause Jason took them. I can tell you that these bubbles were sent to us by my Mom in our Easter box. And these were taken Easter Day!!

Which way did they go? Which way did they go?

Tell me this picture isn't cool!!

This picture actually depresses me. Can anyone figure out why?

Hannah is such a fabulous sister!!

Hannah says she is Glinda the Good Witch :)

So I guess that means this little dude represents the Lollipop Guild!!

Jason took so many more pictures but these were the best of the best!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Davis Ink

He didn't even cry!!! He is so hardcore!! He is such a Rock Star!! I mean seriously the ladies are lovin' a man with a little ink. Gives him the bad boy edge. Problem is with this bad boy is once he takes a bath ( known affectionately in this house as 'Bubbles' ) all the ink is gone! But for one afternoon Cameron looked like he could throw horns with the best of them at a concert. The fact that his horns had bunny ears does not make him any less of a Metal Head!!

For Josie's b'day a couple of years ago I bought a Klutz Body Crayon Kit. And miracle of all miracles we still have it in stellar order. The girls got it out on St Paddy's Day so they could go to school with Shamrocks on their arms. They left it out and Cameron and Daddy did a little work when Jason was home on lunch. *I* did the feet work though!!

Most of the arm work is Jason's! Not that Cupcake though! That is all mine!

I know in his head his feet were putting on a puppet show. That is his thing right now. Puppets and Hand People. Of course with most things in Cameron's life it goes on with no spoken words. But he laid there forever staring at the faces I made on his feet. And I watched him wondering what was going on in that little head.

Friday, March 14, 2008

March version of 12 on the 12th

Another stroll through Kara's house!! I like to say this is for my Mom but actually I am getting a kick out of documenting my house. I know that in a few years I maybe somewhere new. Here's hoping that Brenda and Darby think this is a cool idea too. Hint hint hint!! ;)

Once again the creative process hit me!! I have to let you know that I do completely clean this table before I start a new project. I have to or I get fussy and walk away. This is what my table looked like in the middle of my newest adventure!

Christmas? Seriously? Of course!! I was having a BAD day. Fussy fussy. So I was cleaning out some magazines that if I let get to bad I could officially be labeled a 'hoarder' and it was the Christmas 'Home Companion' magazine my Mom had sent me. I flipped though it one more time before throwing it away and was struck by the pretty photography and especially the pretty colors. Blue and silver! I just wanted to play!! Jason doesn't like it. Bye Jason!! He has been officially booted and is now living in our van ;)

So once again I am wondering through my house taking random pictures for my Mommy :)

This cabinet is next to my front door. All my Japanese goodies. Almost all of them are from Darby when her and her ex-hubby were stationed in Japan. So Darby is to blame for my addiction!! Brenda helped me out when she was in Korea!! She still has dishes that she says she is going to deliver to me in May. When she comes to visit!!! YEAH!! And the top shelf you will , kind of, see the girl's Birthday Girl figurines! They get one every year form my Mom. I will get some good pictures of those soon!!

These are above Jason's drafting desk. I wanted him to be represented in this room too. I think they are pretty.

A down and out Zoe. Looking pity-thetic. I may have to give her a treat.

This cracks me up. His hair is already growing and as you can see it is growing in a million different directions!! He is so going to have a long goofy looking phase!!

I was on the Internet looking up books for Miss Josie B. Here are some of her favorite.

Let us step into my bedroom ;) Nothing naughty just showing you what is up on my walls.

I may have to let Audrey go. I love these posters but she is taking up prime wall space right now. I haven't decided. I will let you know.
Well I am done wandering around!! But don't worry I am sure I will be pitter pattering around again real soon!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

6 weeks later!

I don't care what Jeff says I am flippin' stunning!! Picture was taken yesterday by Hannah!! I literally sat on the ground on front of Cameron's school. No shame when it comes to the possibility of a good picture of me ;) Why am I sitting on the ground? It smooths out the neck's' ;) Gives the illusion of only having one!!
Well it's been six weeks since my Cervical Disk Surgery! I feel confident and great that it happened. My left hand is usable again. No more 'shakes' that take up my arm. My shoulder and shoulder blade no longer feel like a hot knife has been gently put into them. I still experience pretty bad pain in my spine where the extra bone was placed. He said that would take longer but it sure would of been nice to have a smiley face on the calendar!! I am still very limited to the amount of time I can sit in a kitchen chair or even this desk chair. And by the end of the night I am getting some serious Ben-Gay action going. Menthol sincerely rocks my world!! My neck where the incision was made still aches once in awhile. But what I have noticed the most is what sitting on the couch for almost 2 months will do to a body. I have no energy at all!! I get worn out so very easily. Not that I was a pillar of health when this all started but now I am so much more out of shape!! I would give anything for an indoor pool right about now. I am being weaned off of allot of my meds so my sleep schedule is almost back to normal. That makes a HUGE difference! So hopefully I might be tagging along with Jason when he goes to PT in the morning.....hopefully ;)
BTW Jason found out that he is going back to Iraq in Sept. After taking care of me all these weeks he says he needs to go just to have a vacation!! I was quite the demanding patient. Requiring all that food and water!! Poor Jason!
My official follow up appt. with my Doctor is this Friday. I will let you all know how that goes!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

for my Madre!!

Now that I finally have my Mom reading my blog on a regular basis all I want to do is walk around my house and take random pictures for her!! So here are some pictures for you Mamacita!!

I told you about the beads I sewed on my flower. I love it. I love how it defines the center just a little bit more.

I have majorly messed up two paintings since I did my precious pink flower. One of them I got frustrated enough to throw away. I may regret that later. The second one I just put away. So I was getting mad at myself cause I sat down at my desk wanting to create something specific. You can't always do that. So this time I just started doing stuff. Putting whatever paint I felt like whatever paper and glitter I felt like and used whatever products made me happy. I know it isn't something I can sell and really isn't what I would call my style but it was FUN to make!! And that right there is all that matters!!
I mean seriously how can it NOT be fun to use glitter!?!?!

I notice you can barely read the quote so let me share!!

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. "
Helen Keller
I found it in a magazine and cut it out and glued it on. I love Helen Keller! I have quite a few quotes in my house from her.

What a desk looks like after having 'fun'!!

Always an inspiration!! Fresh flowers in a pretty vase!!

New shoes!! Time to look into my summer ballet flats! Well at least here it is ;) I hear it is still chilly in other parts of the states.

What the inside of Cameron's Art cabinet looks like. He has been wandering around bored today! I was trying to get him to paint but on this very rare occasion he said no!

A $5 dollar sign from Office Max and I am so happy! It made me laugh thinking of it on my bathroom door so I thought 'why not!?! People always ask where the bathroom is so now I have it properly labeled!!

And let us all admire my fire pit. Right now that is about all I can do. It rains off and on right now. And the minute I say I want to use it I can promise you rain :( But never you fear she will be used!!

OK enough of my rambling!! Just thought I would post some goodies cause we had a pretty laid back weekend so nothing interesting is really going on around here!! Tomorrow is my 12 on the 12th!! So I will be back soon!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Catching Fufferflies!

Oops Cameron found his Easter present. He was so cute about it!! Whatever is a Momma to do!?! Well let him have it of course!! ;) It was the game 'Elephun'. Jason and I had gotten it from Wal-Mart and put it in our closet. Problem was the closet door was wide open. Oops. So I did a little tap dancing. I had some money leftover from his birthday from my Mom so officially this is a birthday present from Grandma Linda!! Isn't she fabulous?

Ok this one coming up may have to be blown up and printed. Look how happy he is!!

Josie B being crafty again. She is sewing paper flowers and beads unto a piece of card stock. It's not quite done. I will share it when she is finished!!

The weather here is Charleston is WET!! Serious downpours going on right now. Saved me in a way cause I was going to do floors today. No need to waste my time now. We are having friends over tonight for some Enchilada Soup!! A hands down favorite of the Davis family and their friends!! Alright I may not be doing floors but that laundry won't fold itself :P