Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Thank You George and Jenny!!!

Look at this ever so sweet and sleepy child!! Doesn't she look so comfy? And why does she look so comfy? Cause some fab friends of ours gave her a full sized bed. George and Jenny are making room for their new little Butterball. The baby is due end of November I have decided to nickname it Butterball!! :) So they had a full size bed to get rid of and they asked us if we wanted it. Josie said YES!! She had been sleeping on a twin on the bottom of a bunk bed forever now so I think she wanted to stretch. Hannah likes to point out that hers is still a Queen which is of course bigger then a Full :P

Why oh why does Josie's Mom keep taking pics of a sleeping kid? Because it is after 10 AM so get up Josie!!!

Cameron chillin' and watching Bugs Bunny while Josie is out playing ;) Don't tell Josie!!

1 comment:

Laurie and company said...

I want a full size bed all to myself...no fair.