Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Cameron!!

Perfection in the size of a 4 yr old boy!!! Not the perkiest thing you will see at 6 AM in the morning but much better looking then the woman behind the camera right now!! Here is little man after Daddy has gotten him ready for school. I am not normally moving around now but I got myself up on his birthday!!

Check out the little man with sleep still in his eyes!!

I had Jason take a picture of him getting on the bus. He has been riding it for a few weeks. We still like picking him up from his classroom so we can have the chance to hear about Cameron's day everyday. Look at him down there. A little shocked that the paparazzi found him on the bus.

I sent Jason to get the Birthday Prince at school with extra cookies from the night before. Jason said it was funny because the class started singing Happy Birthday to Cameron and he was scanning the table looking for who they were all singing to.

Captured some tender moments with Mrs lmn-O. I find her to be a insanely brave woman. There aren't to many people who would dare get that close to Cameron while he eats his cookie! His incisors look quite sharp!! She backed up ever so slowly and I am happy to report that she needed no stitches. This time.

Back at home in the house his Daddy built for him. He got this ViewMaster projector for Christmas that he absolutely adores! If you look at the blue wall you can see the slideshow he had going. All cuddled up in his fort for quite sometime. It was so cute.

Oh yes and the new shoes that we got him. We think he will grow into them real soon!!

Oh alright they are Jason's I mean shoes. Cameron was cracking us up watching him try to manuvre these things around.
We didn't really do anything today since he got his present and cookie cake the night before. Jason's brother Troy will be here the 17th so we plan on having a pizza party with some friends So yes I will have even MORE Cameronpalooza!!


Sherry at the Zoo said...

Ahhh....I love a little one's birthday. 4 is such a fun age! That bus scene is scaring me though - It's big, and it's yellow and it eats little children!! LOL!

Laurie and company said...

Happy Birthday, Big Guy!!
Love the big tennis shoes pix...
can't believe your baby is FOUR!