Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Word and Resolutions

New Years on the Potomac. It was just us cold and with sparklers but I loved it. I know the kids did too. We get to say we rang in 2011 on the banks of the Potomac looking over at DC. Kind of find that super cool :D
Can you see Josie's face in this? A natural sweet smile! Only because she didn't know she was in the shot ;)
If you look you can see Washington Monument to the left and the State Capitol about the middle.

Reagan Airport. I love this shot.

I am about to babble so I thought I would reel you in with more photos. Suckas!! ;)

One of my favorite bloggers that I have been following for YEARS is Ali Edwards. Adore her. Own all her books. Plan on being her for Halloween ;) Each year she does a One Little Word project.

I always come up with a word but forget it by the end of the week. Kind of like resolutions ;) But this year I am determined. Just a slight word that I will try and live by. She said her word chose her and I waited patiently for my magical word to choose me. I had moments of excitement when I thought I had found my sweet little word but the more I would think about it the more I realized the words didn't practically fit into my life. And right now I kind of need to be practical. So I went in pursuit of my word:

Organize (frick it's in my blog title for corn sake!)

to sexy huh? I need to organize our house we are moving in 6 mo. for the 3 rd time in a little over a year. Organize our photos. 17 yrs worth of photos are a hot mess right now and I find that unacceptable. I need to organize and then in 6 months organize again Cameron's therapies and therapists. I am still in a constant struggle to organize my brain for this homeschooling adventure.

But that is the boring part of that word. I want to organize my time better for friends and for me time. It keeps me sane. I want to organize our finances better so we can take cool family adventures in this unbelievably cool area we live in. I want to organize my craft supplies to use what I have and create things that always lift my spirits. I want to reorganize my budget to take workshops as opposed to constantly buying supplies that do eventually collect dust in my house ;) I want to reorganize a grocery list that has been stuck with the same meals over and over and try new foods :D After saying all of this it makes my word 'organize' a bit more exciting for me!! So in a way it is my word to live 2011 by and my Resolution. To live a more organized life!
So bring it on 2011 Kara Davis is about to organize the heck out of you!!!

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