Thursday, May 17, 2012

Embrace the Camera

So here we are! First entry in over a year. I think the only way to maintain this blog is to keep it simple. On Thursday I am going to participate in this thing called 'Embrace the Camera'. Every Thursday I am going to be in a picture. Me. You know the one usually holding the camera. Today I wanted to stand next to my 16 yr old. My middle child. My Fedorable Josie B. And when I need her to help me you can hear me call throughout the house 'MY TALLEST!' because dagnabit my little girl went and got taller then me. Even without her fedora ;) and yes oh yes she LOVES to point it out. Daily.

Also the first set of pictures was me trying my darndest to just stand next to her without touching her cause she no likey being touched. And when I finally told her we had to just step in and put our arms around each others waist she had her fist clenched and she was stiff as a board laughing. But I eventually got the first one and I kinda dig it :D


Kristi Adams said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

Cool. So, explain this challenge? Rules? (Only to be in a pic a day?) Where'd you get the idea? Sounds promising... I need a motivation - and I loved the Alphabet Challenge.

Wendy Who? said...

i look forward to your thursdays.
ps: she liked being close to you more than you fact, i'm sure she'll tell you all about it in about 5 years:)
good job, kara!