Sunday, November 18, 2007

Josie's Celebration

Thank You Thank You Melanie!!

I have to say that because that darling woman came in and saved the day!! Josie's Birthday celebration was fabulous. With fabulous friends and what I have to admit was fabulous food ;) But was it crowded!! I love having a houseful cause it reminds me that I have filled our lives with great people. But when you are in charge of the gathering you are side tracked by every little bit and I almost got no pictures of the event! Melanie stepped up and asked where the camera was and went outside to get pictures of the kiddos. We had already eaten by now and the kids were getting to roast their marshmallows.

There is no documented proof of what I will sadly refer to as the 'incident' of Josiepalooza 2007. Let me side track for a second and tell you a story. Imagine, if you will, a woman who has been running her mouth for a couple of weeks now about her prize worthy pulled pork. It has been established that this said woman is pretty good when it comes to a pork bum so she felt comfortable bragging. So here it is Saturday night and her house if FULL let me count......30 people in my house ready to be fed. And thee pork bum was NOT cooked all the way through!!! Slight panic settles in. Jason saves the day by running to the store and buying Lldoyd's BBQ. Yes this woman was bummed she didn't get to share her pork bum of destiny and yes she got quite a bit of teasing for the rest of the evening she can proudly say no one in her house left hungry!! And in the end that is all that matters!!

Back to the birthday festivities!! This is where we all are grateful to Melanie!! I am inside cleaning up dinner and getting the hot chocolate ready. I am so glad she got these shots of the kids roasting marshmallows. They all loved it!! And the hot chocolate!!

I know this picture is blurry but it still cracks me up!! Another thank you to the Buytas family for letting us borrow this fire pit!! It definitely made Josie's night!

This kid caused numerous mini heart attacks all evening. NO fear of fire!! He actually had to be put to bed early cause it became quite the struggle to keep him safe.

Josie opening her gifts and cards. She gave me no clues at all to what she wanted for her birthday. I told everyone gift cards and she is actually quite excited with all of them. The Buytas family gave her a new wallet and she thinks she is ever so cool with a wallet full of birthday money and gift cards. I thought for sure today (Sunday) she would be driving us crazy to go shopping but I think she wants to keep her wallet fat for a little bit longer. Definitely NOT my kid ;)

I am just impressed at how calm cool and collected I look in this picture!! And of course the proof I actually attended one of my kids parties. Usually I am the wizard behind the curtain ;)

Now this is where I get to tell everyone that Jason literally Rocks my world......sometimes ;) Josie wanted a Grill Cake. Her idea. I thought about it for quite sometime and then just admitted I was stumped and tried to tell Josie that a Grill Cake just wasn't my speed. So Jason stepped in and said he would do it. He did everything!! I didn't even go with him to the store to buy any supplies. Start to finish this rockin' cake is totally Jason's.

Oh yeah he even made a lid. Don't you just love it!?!?! Josie sure did and that is all that matters!

Parker playing with the kid's Carnival.

The Mills family
The Hart family
The Buytas Family
The Tibbs family
George and Jenny
Danielle and Emilie
Felisha and Kyra
The Cross family
and of course Melanie!!!
Thank You all so much for coming and celebrating Josie's 12th birthday!!! I owe you all some fabulous pulled pork!! lol and no I will never forget it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry I cwas only there for an hour or so...At least I got some of your famous...Ummm...Llyods!...You know I love ya!...