Friday, September 19, 2008

Zahra and Mah-Krista

Don't ask me Cameron named her!!

Here they are! Cameron's new ABA Therapists! Everything is in place and the schedule is now movin' and groovin'! Melissa, no matter what Cameron says, comes three mornings a week before Cameron goes to school. And Zahra joins her for two of the mornings. We are still trying to work it out that they join him for a little over an hour each week at school. So far that hasn't worked out but I will keep you informed!

This is Zahra! Oh my goodness what kind of therapist did we hire she is blowing bubbles straight into his eyes!?!

Actually the wind immediately blew them the other direction. Heehee just keeping you on your toes!
Melissa cheering them on! But! Cameron calls her Krista. Oh yeah. I knew he was going to struggle with her name and after we tried Mah-Lissa he went straight to a name he already new. Krista. We have wasted quite a bit of therapy time trying to get him to pronounce it correctly and he absolutely refuses to even try to say it right. She is Krista. I am sure as far as Cameron is concerned he has it right and it was her Mother who got it wrong in the first place ;)

Cameron's favorite thing to do with Melissa is go outside and play with chalk. They write out the alphabet and 1-10. He is so proud of her!!
He decided to give Melissa a chance at blowing bubbles!

I guess he is more impressed with her chalk skills!

He was close to leaving for school when I took these. But these ladies are really rockin' my world right now! And Cameron's! Be prepared to see allot of their pretty faces and I will keep you posted on all of Cameron's inevitable progress!!

1 comment:

Laurie and company said...

Your son looks just like his uncle Jeff in these pix.

I miss therapy days. looks like your girls do a good job with Cam.

how's it going otherwise?