Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Brenda's Big Beautiful Beach Blog

I had to think for a second on how to rearrange those words so I didn't offend Brenda ;)

Here we are at the beach again!! Our friend Brenda came in town this weekend to visit us!! We have known her for over 8 years now. Stationed with her in Utah and then again in Alabama.

But first we have Emilie's first time at the beach!! I love having my camera out for the first time little ones get to feel the ocean!

Here is my Brenda!

Emilie had a flippin' blast!! She had no fear of the water and poor Danielle was never off alert. I said we need to just get her a bungee cord and let her run towards the water all she wants cause we can just yank her right back to us :D

This is Emilie's friend Jerad. Sorry this is small I resized it wrong and don't want to stress myself out trying to fix it ;)

Cameron found himself a new BFF. Aunt Brenda took him out in the water whenever he wanted.

Can somebody tell me when the heck it was I blinked!?!?!

Oh thank you Josie!! Still looking like a little girl......not by much though. She is going to devastate me soon I can tell.

This little man cracked me up!! Do you see the sand ALL around his mouth!?!?! You can tell he has never missed a meal but you would of thought the poor thing was starving the way he was shoveling in the sand :) So cute!!

The Liberation of Aunt Brenda's feet!! Actually allot of us got our feet liberated by Cameron. But these piddies int he picture happen to be Brenda's! Josie would cover our feet and then Cameron would set them free!! He found it all very exciting indeed!

I so adore it when the girls play with their brother. Josie raced with Cameron for awhile. So sweet!!

This picture just made me and Brenda so happy. Cameron is making a weird face and Miss Josie B's rump is all up and proud. Beautiful colors though :D

Zyllah working on her fabulous turtle!!

If I can give you one sincere and beautiful comment about Naomi's children is they are all so amazing with Cameron. With all children. I have seen all three of them handle younger children in such a way that always melts my heart.

I assume Liam is saying 'Wheee!!' :D

Two words describe this girl to me in this picture! Gorgeous and ornery!! I love it!
Alright Cameron says we are done now!! Another good day at the beach with friends and family!!

I have more blogging to do of my Miss Brenda! Stay tuned!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Field Trip

I love field trips!! I love Cameron's class field trips!! Mainly because he has such a small class so it never feels overwhelming. And we are all responsible for transporting our own kids so we aren't on anyone else's schedule. We all get there at the same time but we can leave when we are ready!!

Off we go to the Charleston Children's Museum!! I guess by most museum standards this one is pretty darn small. And the only time that really affects your enjoyment value is if you go on the weekends cause then it is pretty packed! But we had most of the place to ourselves and so we had a great time!!

Jason has been bogarting the camera so almost all of these are by him! ;)

I love that Jason's so tall. He just holds the camera up as high as he can. Tip toes and everything! We are now learning a golf ball goes faster down the ramp then a ping pong because of weight.

We are now learning how much force we put behind slamming the ball on the ground determines how high it bounces back up!

The Dad's each have a balloon with a different amount of air in it. We shall see which one stays in the air longer after they let go!!

The kids of course thought this was hilarious!!
Now we are out and about in the displays!

The WaterWorks room. Always a favorite!!

Painting with water!
Waiting and watching....and of course being A-dorable!!!

An attempt at making Cameron happy!! Which by the way it did ;)

This is Jason with the puppet. Cameron thought it was great!

All they want is *Freedom!!*

They have the coolest art room that lets kids just wander around and go crazy but I just couldn't get Cameron interested this visit :( He also had alot of fun on the boat dispaly. So much fun that it was hard to get his picture he was running around so fast!! I love it when we get a chance to come here!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

the Hunt

The lone hunter stalking his prey.
Waiting for the right moment, he pounces on the unsuspecting clover.
After a gruesome display of predatory carnage, the hunter lifts his kill in triumph!

(Close-up of carnage--viewer descretion)

And like most young predators, he takes his kill back to his mommy for praise.

(p.s. you all know I didn't write this. This is ALL Jason. He makes me laugh.)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

a BIG beach blog!

It's Sunday guess where the Davis's are!?!? At the beach of course. But my theory is the more the merrier so Felisha and her three kids followed us there and then the Buytas family met up with us soon afterwards!!

Baby Hiram in his beach tent. I left him in there maybe 5 minutes before I had to cuddle ;)

Silly people left me alone with this baby AND a camera!! This is one of a couple :)

Where is this poor babies Mother!?!? Out taking a short walk with her girls!
Baby Hiram's first feel of sand and the ocean. You can't barely make out the water but it is there. And in typical baby fashion he didn't understand what the hullabaloo was all about :D
BTW have you noticed his hair? A perfect little mohawk that he has had since birth! I adore it! Jason made the point though that it isn't a mo-hawk it is a fro-hawk ;)

Little Kelli! We wore this baby out! She was falling asleep standing up by the time we left!

Look what I taught Kyra! She knows that when the other person makes the I love you hand sign and touches her hand it means I love you, too.

I totally missed the money shot between Zyllah and Kelli!! They were both laying on their bellies facing each other. By the time I had gotten there with my camera Kelli had gotten up. Still a cute moment though!

Pretty Z!!
Liam having fun while his Dad ran up and down the water to give him a ride!

Jason making a cool pathway for Cameron's truck!

Look Naomi I was wrong!! Here is a perfectly good picture of Raven and Josie!!!

Once again that silly Mother left me alone with him and a camera ;)

Jason's action shot! Realistic?
Cameron still loving that maze Daddy drew!

Felisha got to take a LONG relaxing walk with her girls. I am so glad I got to give that to her. Her husband has been gone for 4 months and she has two months to go.

What a good day! Any day on the beach is a GOOD day!! What makes it a even better day is when you remember to put sunscreen on everywhere!!! Oh yeah and of course friends ;) I sit here and finish off this blog with serious blisters all over my shoulders and purple skin on my chest and knees. 34 year old woman people!! My Momma raised me better!

Wait a minute!! Naomi e-mailed me a 'somewhat' better picture of Raven!! And of Jason's derriere ;)