Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How I survived Chicago! Part Quatre!

OK so I was going to blog about our simple but pretty fab Memorial weekend but all of the pictures are still on the camera and I am feeling lazy. Which means you are stuck with Jeff once again. I apologize in advance. Hi Jeff :P

OK this entry is going to be pretty short anyway cause I was so tired this day. It is Sunday and I have stayed up 3 nights in a row way past my bedtime. TIRED!!! We had no plans to go anywhere today. Jeff was having a cook out here at his place with his friends. I didn't take barely any pictures. I was just honestly so tired.

But I started off my day with some of the most beautiful heart warming words ANY woman can ever hear first thing in the morning!

I love you Mommy!!

nope that wasn't it!!

Good Morning Honey you look stunning in the morning sunlight!

nope that wasn't it!

We won the lottery!!

Close!! But definitely not it!

Hey Kara breakfast is ready!!!

SO melodious! Even pulls at my heart strings typing it out over a week later. And we are talking a real breakfast!!! Not a quick bowl of Cheerios. Jeff had made a Frittata. All nice and warm out of the oven when I came into the kitchen. I was all a flutter!

Well I laid around like a lump for a little bit. Jeff and I finished our movie. I am telling you when a 20 sided dice saves the whole world you can't help but be on the edge of your seat!!! Good stuff!!

Then Jeff and Erin went into action. Forget my camera I wish I had a video camera. These two are a well oiled machine in the kitchen. I have been bragging about Jeff and awful lot but our pretty girl definitely knows her way around!!! A piece of me was extremely jealous. I would love to have that kind of repoir with Jason in the kitchen. Heck anyone would be great!! I think I may have to borrow Erin. I sat on my kitchen stool and didn't move a muscle. Those two had it going on and I wasn't going to be the one who broke their stride. I was there to chop if need be. So Erin had these Morel mushrooms and she was going to batter them up and fry them. What a little improviser she was. She didn't have enough fixings for the original crumbs she was going to roll them in so they had bagel chips that she crushed. They were so good!!!! I may of eaten quite a few. Just because they had to go behind my back and actually hide some in the microwave for a friend of Erin's doesn't mean I might of had more then my fair share!!!

Well out to the grill we go. And of course since Jeff had planned this gathering for a couple of days it had to be the coldest wettest day I was there!

Look at my little Super Trooper. Grillin' like a Villain.

Here is there pretty little patio area. In the rain gives a glowly effect ;)

So Jeff's friends came and we had so much food!!! It was phenomenal. They get the food all laid out and I swear I barely eat. Why? Was it because Jeff and Erin can't cook? Oh no they are great! I was just so full!! Not just for the day my stomach just couldn't take in any more food. Jeff had made this Potato and Cauliflower Curry that Jenny Day used to make and I would randomly show up on her doorstep and steal. But they moved and has never told me their address so I can take a hint. Any who I will not bore you with my wounded feelings. Jeff and Erin had made so much fabulous food and I just could barely eat a bite!

And now here comes the true big disappointment I had to deal with on this trip........no Euchre. My brother promised me a Euchre game ( it's a card game we grew up on ) no one has ever heard of it if you don't come straight out of the Midwest so I am always ready to play whenever I am back in the great state of Illinois. That is OK I have lived with disappointment before I can get through this!!

Another relaxing day in Chicago! I apologize if you are getting bored of my brother. I don't blame you at all. But there is one more day to go and I have to admit it was one of my top 4 favorite. We went to Shedd Aquarium!!! Some fabulous rockin' pictures to share with you so stayed tune for one more blog about Chicago!! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

How I survived Chicago! Part Tatu!!

We were-
Ladies who Breakfast.

Ladies who get Manis and Pedis.

Ladies who Target.

My first day with Erin ever. Just her and I. She is the cutiest pa-tootiest. And very much a girl. Love it!!! All those SAHM out there understand (and even my brother)! We don't always get to be girly. So we ladies were up and ready to go for our day together. Of course started off with breakfast. Check this place out it was so cute!!

The inside was so cute (and so small!) but check out the linoleum floor and the old 50's style table and chairs! I loved the bright colors they had painted the walls. It was pretty crowded so taking the camera in wouldn't of been that easy. I kind of like this shot though looking through the front doors :) The weather was so nice though so we ate outside. As most Ladies who Breakfast do!

Look at our breakfast!!!! It is actually pretty!

I had a loverly plate of pancakes. You just can't go wrong with pancakes!! On the menu it said you can add chocolate chips OR bananas. OR!?!? I can't handle these huge life altering decisions!! I looked at my waitress with a look of panic and I think she could read the struggle in my eyes. 'You want both don't you?' My Angel!!! Oh yeah she is getting a BIG tip! They were soft fluffy pancakes that just needed a hint of syrup.

Check out Erin's breakfast below! She ordered Eggs Benedict over Crab cakes. I came so close to ordering that but I have had some pretty bad luck with crab cakes in the past. I had accepted it as my fate in life to never get to enjoy a good crab cake. So I didn't order it. But Erin was so sweet and left the last bite for me and I tell you what it was delish!!! But check it out! You all get one guess on what was Erin and I's favorite part of her meal..........

The flower of course!!!
I kept it in my hair for quite sometime!! The poor darling struggled during our pedicures because of the steam from the water. And I kept leaving it all over the place but the women there were so cute and made sure I got it back every time. But no worries we got her home and got her into a bud vase.

Aren't we the most adorable Ladies who Breakfast!?!?! OK I promise I am done saying that now. Mainly because we are moving on to Ladies who get Manis and Pedis!!!

The picture above is the place we went to. I didn't take any pics inside. It was all about relaxing and being spoiled. Erin convinced to get a pedi. I have never had one before. If there was anything to get pictures of it is when the lady scrubbed the bottom of my feet! I am about to let you all in on a little known secret about me. It is very hard to actually tickle me until you get to the bottom of my feet. You could breath heavily on them and make me scream with laughter. So scrubbing the bottom of my feet!?!? Forget about it it took everything in me not to accidentally kick the woman in the face. I was dying laughing. For those of you who may not know I have a loud laugh ;)

So how does one round out a fabulous morning of food and fingernail polish!?!?!


I have decided the word Target should be a verb.

Erin had told me before we had left their place we had to 'swing by' Target because their coffee grinder had broken. Shoot no need to ask me twice I can handle me some Target! I feel like Erin should of forewarned me. I was not emotionally prepared for what I was about to see. A 2 story Target with a parking garage!!!! A piece of me wishes I could of had some of my other Target lovers with me. Erin had been there so many times before she was immune to it's beauty. If it had been cloudy that day the moment I walked through the front doors is when the clouds would of parted and a single ray of sunshine would of came down on me as I walked through! They even had their own angels at the front door singing 'aaahhhhhh'!! And just when you thought it couldn't be more spiritual......a Starbucks.

hold on I am feeling a little verklempt........talk amongst yourselves.........I'll give you a topic the peanut was neither a pea or a nut........discuss!

So here I am in the Happiest place on EARTH!! With a Caramel Frappucino. Can it get any better then this!?!?! Oh but yes it can! Check this out!
I am standing in stationary. And I actually stood there for a bit hoping for a cart to come down. But those middle ones are for your cart. After about 20 times Erin said I couldn't play on it anymore. Besides the fact people were getting tired of me grabbing their carts and putting on there even if they weren't going up or down ;)

OK so we shopped til my checking account dropped! And then we headed home. We ordered pizza at this one place that I had before. It is so good that I ate way to much. Actually had to lay down and let my tummy recuperate! We were heading out that night to the neighborhood bar to celebrate one of Jeff and Erin's favorite humans birthday!! Allot of their good friends were going to be there. I was going to wear my new swimsuit from Target but Jeff said no!! So I wore my twirly whirly new skirt.

Wow that was a tough pic to share.

Yeah I know it looks like my brother is just humoring me. He loves me!! My therapist promises that no matter what Jeff says he still loves me.

Oh yeah you can tell one whole day with me was enough for this poor girl ;) Just kidding my therapist says she still loves me too!! And I wonder where Cameron gets his 'scrunchy nose'!!

We were on our way to this place. Next day shot of course. I didn't take my camera. We had great food and there was some great people there I got to talk to. They will have to step up and correct me if I am wrong but I think this is where Erin and Jeff met :)

I only drank water there cause Miss Kara is starting to slow down. We got home about midnight and even though I felt tired I thought I had some juice left in me. So I ate that previously mentioned muffin from the day before. A little zap in the microwave and some butter! Heaven!! Jeff even made some special popcorn and we settled in to watch 'Wet Hot American Summer' it was so Cheesetastic!! And I mean that in a Ghouda kind of way :) But I think I made it about halfway through and then I told Jeff I just had to go to bed. We would have to finish up tomorrow.

So off to bed I went to rest up for the next day. I wonder what we have in store.................

Friday, May 25, 2007

I hungry

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program of Survivor: Chicago with a brief blog about Cameron.

I know I know everyone wants my next installment of my Chicago trip. But yesterday I had such a great moment with Cameron that I just have to share!!

Most of you know Cameron struggles with a pretty significant speech delay. It not only affects his ability to communicate with us but our ability to communicate with him. For reasons unknown to me Cameron would tell me 'cup' when he was thirsty but would never tell me he was hungry. No matter how in tune you are with your kids when they are just standing there whining for an hour it sometimes takes a bit to figure out what is wrong. You go through the list of things to offer then realize he wants food. I have been working on it for months. When I would realize he was hungry I would ask over and over 'Cameron are you hungry?' he never once replied and I could never get him to repeat it. There were times when I would let him whine and stay hungry hoping it would click still asking over and over 'Cameron are you hungry?' But the strongest of Mother's know you can only take so much whining ;) Well these past couple of weeks Cameron finally started repeating me after I asked him if he was hungry. His little voice would say 'Hungry?' OK we are getting there. Thursday after school as I was buckling him in he said 'I hungry'. I kind of assumed he was just babbling cause he had lunch at school. But as we were driving he kept saying it 'I hungry' so I offered him a sandwich and he was excited and ate it all. Yesterday I was taking a nap in my room and he came in and jumped on me laughing. Once he realized I was fully awake he said 'I hungry!' I asked if he wanted popcorn and he ran out of the room and went straight to the microwave. He has known what popcorn is for awhile now ;) Just coming to me when he realized he was hungry, doing an elbow drop in my gut, and saying 'I hungry' was a definite sentimental Mommy moment ;)

I know it is two simple words. But to me with all the struggles I have had with Cameron they are two perfect little words.

'I hungry'

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How I survived Chicago! Part Zwie!

Erin was the one who woke me up so Jeff has to blame her!! Actually she was just up getting ready for work and I heard her. Jeff was under the silly impression that on vacation normal humans sleep in! Granted he forgot 7:30 his time is 8:30 my time. That is sleeping in! After a few minutes of me hovering over him asking 'What'cha doing Jeff?' he got up. We quickly refreshed our deodorant and out the door we went to have breakfast at this new cafe he had heard of. Once again I had not got into camera mode yet so this is a drive by picture a couple of days later.

Vella Cafe

I so wish I did take my camera because the outside is so plain but the inside was so bright and fresh. Loved it!! We got there a little to early so they only offer half their breakfast menu. Which was a bit of a bummer cause Jeff and I were in the mood for some creepies aka crepes! They had Nutella and Banana Creepies. How genius is that!?!!? After our depression that normally comes with creepie denial Jeff and I ordered. I got Orange Cream Cheese stuffed French Toast with fresh strawberries. I am not sure what all Jeff ordered I just know he got these ever so good 'Smashed Potatoes' we had to go and get me my own order they were that good!! It seemed easy squeezy. Parboil red potatoes. throw them in a skillet with some seasonings and just smash then with your spatula. Now don't go crazy stirring things up you are just going to flip those bad boys. They were so good!! I am making them for Jason :) I also got a muffin to take back to Jeff's it was Strawberry Rhubarb. YUM!!!

After buying the muffin it put me into bakery mode. Surely Chicago has a Bakery or two. So Jeff took me to this place. Now I am not going to lie. This place did not look promising on the inside. Sorry Jeff. But!! Jeff ordered this stuff called 'Butter Bread' which I would like to put in a customer request to these fine people. You need to rename that bread CRACK!! Oh my god!! I ate over half the loaf myself. I think in a span of two minutes. I don't know it was all a blur. Jeff and Erin had to hide in the closet to finish off the rest. I tell you what the shakes coming down off of that high were pretty intense. We went back Monday before I left so I could buy a couple of loaves to take home. But they were closed on Mondays. I saw a couple of other 'addicts' peering through the windows. Monday is probably the day they go to street corners and let people 'try' it. Dealers always give the first hit for free.
Alright so Jeff and I head back to his place and rest. And well actually I showered too. The city of Chicago was greatly appreciative. Then off we went with grocery list in hand.

This is a loverly produce place. So much better then Wal-Mart and/or the Piggly Wiggly ;) A awesome variety of fruits and veggies!! I was a good girl though. I bought strawberries, 2 mangoes and some bread. Of course this was the place that started me taking pics of all places I had been. Another time I wish I would of just taken the camera inside. Jeff forgot the potatoes but we moved on.

This nice little store belongs to a friend of Jeff and Erin's. I do believe her name is Tracy. She had a lovely display of wine. I asked her were the Boones Farm was and I guess she keeps it in the back with the expensive imports. We got some cheese here also. After this we walked across the street and got some Starbucks!!! So far the only familiar place that connects Chicago to the South. I did take a picture that made Jeff laugh but I kind of assume everyone knows what a Starbucks looks like. Oh yeah by the way the Dulce De Leche Frappucino is loverly!!! Back to shopping we go.......
But first lunch!!!
This place is so deceptive from the outside. Cause it is HUGE on the inside. We had the buffet which of course for me is gambling. Kind of no real way to tell what is hiding cow in it. Jeff was kind enough to poke things to see if it moo'ed. I survived :)

Next we were off to the fish mongers. Jeff had never been here before but a friend of his recommended it. We were here for tuna steaks!! Jeff had a kick butt menu planned. We found out steaks and Jeff talked to the guy behind the counter to confirm how thick he wanted the steaks. It was after the guy was weighing them that Jeff thought to look over at the price. Let's just say OUCH!!! But my brother was determined to spoil me so we got them and I was excited to see what he was going to do to them!
Yeah I about to be spoiled!!

Oh this is just a quick shot I took of myself to show everyone how well Jeff drives in the city area. I just reminded him how much I loved my children periodically, no pressure.
This place is a organic grocery store. Very cute inside. Jeff and I got some looks from all the skinny healthy humans. Of course we were shouting 'Where's the Little Debbie's?' Definitely not the place to swing by when you are out of Cheerios.

Now this is where it gets kind of embarassing. Jeff and I were done so we come back to his place and Erin is now home from work. Jeff gets started on dinner and I go on to tell Erin that Kara Coladas will make her into a new woman. But we need Coconut Rum. We discuss the possibility of driving but it was a gorgeous day so why not stroll to the store. Well I will tell you why!! Cause Kara just figured out this walking thing and it is tricksy!!! We got about 4 doors down and *BOOM* Kara hit pavement. Hard!!! Contrary to what Jeff would tell you if he was here I did not trip over air. I tripped over sidewalk :P Shifted sidewalk. I don't care what I tripped over all I know is it hurt. Out of sheer embarrassment alone I have never stood up so fast and walked back in my life. Just to let everyone know Erin was very motherly while my brother ran off to get the camera. Who loves me most? So as I lay propped up on their couch with band aids and ice bags everywhere they ran to the store.Yeah Jeff is finally cooking!!! I am so excited cause I am all about the portabello mushrooms!! Let's see if Jeff messes them up............So far so good!! Actually the bellos were awesome!!! He did a reall good job on the tuna steaks to. I enjoyed my whole meal and ate every single bite......and then some. We needed to double up on the bellos next time ;)We rounded out our evening with some of Erin and Jeff's friends. The weather was great so we sat outside and I got to enjoy some lovely Erin-tinis. I tried my best to convert Erin to Kara Coladas but she said they were to sweet. I only cried a little bit. This picture above is of Erin (far right ) and her other 'Maple Leafs' I am sitting outside unaware that Crazy Chicagoans are playing with my camera. I spare you all with the other crazy shots they took and leave you with the cutie patootie one.

The next day is all about me and Erin!! Stay tuned...........

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How I survived Chicago!!!

Musings of a Stay at Home Mamacita!!!

Any who I wasn't sure how to do this. I have so much to say about my fabulous trip to Chicago!! There is no way I can get it all into one blog. There would definitely have to be a brief intermission! I am going to break it down by day and give you all a breather in between installments :) We had been to a couple of places before it dawned on me to catch a quick shot of each place they had taken me to!! So some of my pictures are literally drive by shots with me hanging out of the car. Heck it worked for me! I got exactly what I wanted. I wish I was a bit more brave in some spots and would of taken the camera actually in with me. So on some of the places I had missed Jeff and Erin were kind enough to swing me by for pictures. I am starting off with the place we had dinner at the night I arrived!!

Dunlay's on the Square. Yes this is a drive by picture actually 2 days later ;) Thanks Erin!!

We met Erin here after Jeff had brought me in from the airport. I started off with a somethingsomething-tini. I tried to be all city-fied and ordered some artichoke/mushroom/goat cheese pizza. I was a good girl and had a couple of bites. I didn't enjoy it though.

Not much else this first night. Erin had to go in to work the next day so she went to bed early. Jeff and I watched some TV and his friend Tom came by to say 'Hi'!! Off to bed we went to rejuvenate ourselves for my first big day in the city!!!

I am so excited!! And yes a insanely big nerd (Hi Jeff)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Musings on a visit to the Children's Museum--Jason

Cameron is all about speed. As long as it is at a safe pace with propper safety measures in place. Short of wearing a bicycle helmet and elbow pads, he rarther did enjoy racing golf balls. His enjoyment was at a much higher level before his dad was paying attention and he swan-dived off of a raised platform onto his face. After a short period of trying to convince him not to sue the place, he pressed on with his racing golf balls (with a nice rug burn on his cheek to guilt his parents about their unattentiveness).

He wouldn't quit wandering off so we tossed him into a toddler prison. His cries for help finally forced us to release him, but we did get to share some laughs until then. (In actuality, I think he was looking into on of the exhibits that worked like those McDonald's coin drops where you put a quarter in and you watch it loop around and around until it drops down into the black hole. Imagine that with golf balls and you get the idea).

Cameron didn't share the water tables very well. Everytime he saw you doing something fun, he would bump you out of the way with his hip and take over. We didn't realize how serious water table were. He worked the tables like a mad scientist, conducting experiments and making a mess while at it. It became obvoius that standing back was better for everyone.

Cameron didn't 'get' the shrimp boat. He just ran around it and up and down the boarding ramp. We didn't spend much time here. He was deeply concerned about the dolphin half poking out of the floor.

He was rightly outraged at the going prices at the grocery store they had set up. It wasn't even etible! Who did they think they were fooling? He did get quite a bargain on fruit. He did discover a bargain though: Hollow, plastic fruit required a great quantity to weigh a pound! On their first visit to the Children's Museum, Josie spent here entire tour sitting in the grocery store manning the cash register. After the store we visited the castle portion of the museum but that can be summarized be reviewing what happened at the shrimp boat. Minus the disembodied dolphin of course. Creeepy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cypress Gardens

Jason and I got to go with Cameron on his very first field trip!!! It was such a nice place! Oh let me get the website for you locals :)

The weather yesterday was beyond fabulous!! We started off in the Butterfly House. I have actually n ever been in one. This one was fairly small but I loved it. Cameron's class had beent alking about butterflies quite a bit to get them ready and it was cute to see Cameron recognize them and get excited to see them. Of course his version of the word 'butterfly' is way off. I don't even think I could type it :)

We weren't even in the building 5 minutes before Cameron completely traumatized a butterfly and had to send it to physical therapy. I chuckle when I see the death grip I have on his arm trying to get him to set the poor thing free. One thing you can't see is he is literally right under a sign that says don't touch the butterflies.

After checking out some cool fish, aliigators, lizards and frogs we got into a boat. Cameron's teacher, Mrs Olney, had been talking about these boats for literally weeks. One way or another she was going to be out there paddling even if she was all by herself!! But we got in a boat with her. Jason in the back steering away Mrs. Olney in the middle with a paddle and doing what I assume was helping Jason. Me up front clinching my bum cheeks from left to right thinking in some odd way that helped steer. Don't ask. I had Cameron in my lap and I actually took some pictures. I seriously was nervous with the rocking of the boat so I didn't line my shots up perfectly but I did get some good ones I think. My favorites are when I held the camera over my head and blindly shot pictures of the two paddlers behind me :)

Me and Cameron holding on for dear life!! Oh sweet sweet land where for art thou!?!?! Oh alright it was that bad. Back to boat pictures.

Oh yeah that is a gator. It's HUGE!! I could eat me completely whole. I swear after we paddled past it I could still hear the ticking clock from it's belly. Think about it ;) And now we are done. I sincerely joke becasue I can't wait to bring the girls back and take them out in these boats!! I know they would have to much fun. I finish with a few we took on a nature walk right before we left. We had a fabulous morning with our little man. And I know he had fun too. He was in such good spirits the whole time!

Pretty lily pad to picture :)