A whole month in one blog. WOW!! Jeff called my blog stale and even though his harsh words were the truth it doesn't mean they didn't hurt ;) I do love doing this blog for you guys I am not sure why I have slacked. I have a new addiction now with Facebook. And Jason is able to get on Facebook and chat with me every once in awhile. So I do tend to find myself sitting on that website waiting for him to pop up and say HI!!
So one way or another I was a bad photographer/documenter for Easter. I got a couple snaps of different activities. Here is Cameron with Melissa and her daughter Madison dying eggs.

I love the look on his face because he wanted to put the egg in but how to do it without risking the possibility of getting anything on him.

Here is actual Easter Day. Or as we referred to it. Waffle Fest 2009. I had some friends over and made a great Waffle Dinner. That's right.....dinner! We had Brinner for Easter. And it was great my friends. Legendary almost. We had Banana Chocolate Chip, Apple Strudel and Blueberry Wholegrain!! Lots of other goodies to go with it. The weather was great so we all ate outside! A simple Easter but good.

Autism Walk of Charleston 2009. I set it up with my close friends that we would meet at the park and set up our own picnic next to the festivities. It worked out perfectly. The weather was beyond gorgeous and of course we enjoy everything they have set up.

Oh this punching bag is about to feel the wrath!!! The fury!! The anger!!

Um......is he cuddling?

Our picnic area!

These series of pictures are about to show you why this blog seems more dedicated to Cameron then anyone else in the family!!