Sunday, June 8, 2008

The end of Hannah's Middle School career.

I have allot of pictures to share but really not that much babbling (gasp)! Here are some more of Hannah right before her 8Th grade dance. We of course live so far away from the school that she got ready on her own. Jason took her and then hung out at a Bookstore near by. She came home from the dance with her eye makeup smeared from tears and said she had a great time and she would never forget it! I guess it got all sentimental at the end :D

Here we are the next morning at her graduation ceremony. Thanks for waiting cause I did promise pictures of her dress she picked out! I am not going to lie! I didn't like it at all. Oh never mind I can babble!! Here we are at a store and we try on and look at all kinds of dresses and we pick one she likes. I am not kidding you as we were leaving she sees this orange pile on the ground and picks it up. Pure excitement! It's orange with hibiscus and it said one size fits all! For some odd reason I am nowhere near as stoked. Sorry it looked so bright and gaudy as she was sitting there holding it. She didn't even want to try it on. This was her dream dress. I started to fuss with her but she is to much like her Dad. Meaning she doesn't argue at all. FINE!!! Goodness knows I won't lose her in the crowd!!
Well I can admit when I am wrong. And I did and I will. Personally I think she pulls it off. She looks like she can hula with the best of them. And it is very much Hannah. Which is all that matters.

We got there in killer time! I had allotted and hour and we were there in 30. So we got great front row seats and got to watch Hannah practice with the choir!

OMG!! It gets even better. Hannah is on the same row as we are!!

Here she is walking up and getting ready to get her diploma ( I think they actually call it a completion certificate but you know what I mean )!

There you go it is in her hand! She is no longer in Middle School!

At the end of the ceremony the graduating class got a well deserved standing ovation from the crowd!

The choir!

The look on Jason's face after sitting on a wooden pew for 2 and a half hours. Dreamy eh?

And this is where, my dear readers, when everything fell apart. I won't get into gory details but this is the end of our pictures.
But there it is! Another phase of Hannah's life is over. A new one is about to start! It is a odd feeling to hate and love something at the same time!!
Also much love to Hannah's friend Megan that came along for this very long and hot graduation morning for Miss Hannah! You are beautiful inside and out!


Sunny J said...

Oh. My. God. She looks so much like Krista I could just scream. When did this happen?!!

Laurie and company said...

I was thinking she looked dead on like you, Kara...I can't believe how grown up she is...and is she wearing....make-up??

omygollygoshgeewillickers....she's a pretty'n! I love her choice of dresses...she looks so fresh, modest, girly, and unique...this girl is no run of the mill chicklet!

Ok, I've said my piece.

How ARE you?

hugs and love,