Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bigger is Better!!

I have to share this blog with you really quick cause after it is posted my sister Kelly will most likely put a hit out on me!! Thank Buddha she is in Illinois cause as far as I know Guido doesn't travel out of the states!! lol

Oh yeah bay-bay who in this picture is representing some serious Aqua Net love!?!?! 1990 and I just don't think I could of gotten it any bigger!!! I tell you what I think today's teenage girls are just lazy! They don't have the dedication like we did back in the day!! And yes you are looking at bright blue eyeshadow, bright blue eyeliner and bright blue mascara all at once!! How does one go about bringing styles back!?!

OK it is just to easy to make fun of the styles of the late 80's early 90's so I will just stop now. BTW my daughters were not int he least bit amused with this picture. More along the lines of confused. Why in the world would I go out in public looking like this!?!


Laurie and company said...

lovin' that hair...Jeff looks like Jack Black...Krista doesn't look any different and Kelly doesn't look the same at all...You look like you with large large locks! WOW!! WOW!! You have inspired me to put on some incriminating photos on my blog...
love the pic!! thanks for sharing!
Love LY

Anonymous said...


bekajune said...

you look like Tina Yothers from Family Ties in that picture! haha!