Saturday, August 2, 2008

Prisoners in our own home!

More on that in a minute! First I shall share a few pics from here and there. Here is Cameron and Daddy with new Disney wall murals. 4 huge color pages for $1.40 at Target!! Good heavens I get a rush from those pretty red clearance stickers!!

Cameron and Money's new Play-Doh friend. I had swirled Play-Doh to make kind of like cinnamon bun shaped circles and he stacked them and added the accessories :)

Making a cake for Money!

Now we are on to the aforementioned crisis!! Someone was hypnotized by pretty red stickers and found some killer bargains for a cute little man. This particular toy was $1.50. Attach to the end of a hose and 'voila!!' you have insta-fun. I was finishing dinner and Hannah was with him but she came inside to get something. Next thing I hear is 'Cameron stop!'.
Yep these are all through the window.

The face of Eeeee-vil!

Come on guys I promise not to spray you!!

Thank goodness for Jason's military training! We sent him out with the first wave of troops. He is the only one who made it!

Poor birds.
I also got him 'Lucky Ducks' for $4.00!! Seriously a big ole bag of new toys and I think we spent $10.00. What a good day!

Later that night Hannah, Josie and I went to the Midnight Party for the release of 'Breaking Dawn' by Stephanie Meyer at Books-a-Million. We went with my friend Ali and her daughter. I didn't take my camera but Hannah had her face done as a vampire so we of course took a pic when we got home!

Just some simple stuff to report here from S.C.!! Jason leaves bright and early in the A.M. for school in Florida. He will be gone 6 weeks. Not to long and I always feel a bit of comfort knowing he is just stateside!
Also in case some of you don't know Cameron calls me 'Money' not Mommy. It took him over 3 years to come up with that so I love it!!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Hey honey! I know I haven't visited in a while but wanted to catch up with you and see how you are. Love the new pics. I'm going to our Target to see if I can find some good deals like yours! I love your new nickname. Absolutely love it! And it suits you perfectly. Nope your not Kara anymore! :) And as for Breaking Dawn I'm halfway through my copy. I LOVE it. I honestly thought it was just a Utah thing and am pleasantly surprised to know it's not. Well I'm gonna go read some more of your blog and then my book. Hugs!