Sunday, September 23, 2007

there is a 14 yr old in my house!!!

I sprayed Raid on it but it just made funny noises ;)


Oh OK I hugged it baked it a cake and gave it presents!! Today was just a simple day for my newly minted 14 yr old Hannah Noelle. Next weekend is the rock out party with friends. But we still had cake and ice cream! The cake was a family affair! Every single one of us had apart in making it. Hannah went with me to the grocery store to pick out what she wanted. After I curled up in the cart to take a nap she decided she wanted a orange cake *SHOCK* I seriously didn't have to take her to know that!!!! White cake with food coloring. Such a tough customer ;) She also wanted Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. After some thought process I chopped them up and put them in the middle layer and then used them as candle holders. GENIUS!! If I do say so myself ;)

Now we decorate!

We don't want to waste that good military training ;)

So pretty!!

Cameron of course not cooperating. Not that we can blame him! That is one tasty looking cake sitting next to him! Of course in his head he is probably afraid that cake is going to jump over and cover him in sticky stuff!!

Hannah's friend Megan! This girl cracks me up! She has brought many smiles to my daughter's face and many many laughs!! Tune in next weekend you will see her again :)

Now here of course is Cameron's BFF's!!! Parker and Hunter. Making Hannah look much more browner then she really is!! If only their parents would let them outside ;)

One of Hannah's presents from Mom and Dad. Hannah and I were so addicted to this show last year!! So now that we have it we are going to try and get Jason and Josie on the band wagon!!

This right here is the best party game ever!! Well according to the 4 and under circuit. The girls blew up the balloons the girls let go of the balloons!!! Extremely loud laughter ensues!

This boy was laughing so loud and dancing like crazy!! Now we know what we are doing for his party ;)

Baby Emilie!! Poor darling so does not know what to make of these boys!! But she watches them so intently! I am not sure if her Momma will appreciate that later on cause you can tell Emilie is making mental notes :)

And that my readers is Hannah's 14th Birthday. Like I said not much but tune in next week cause I am hoping to have some fabulous pictures!!
Can anyone say High School Musical Karaoke!?!?!

I am off to slip into a diabetic coma cause of all the cake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cool cake idea! Looked scrumptious! Congrats on surviving your 2nd teenage year!! Best of luck on the HSM Karoke party!! Sounds like a wonderful time and unique party!