Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Buzz Buzz Buzz!!!

These pictures have been festering in my files forever!! Once again I am getting to far behind in my blog. Which I absolutely LOVE doing!! But I want to share these pictures of Cameron's field trip he had over a week ago so I can move on and share Hannah's Karaoke party!!!

The Bee Farm!! and I don't have a single picture of a Bee to share with you ;) They do make their own honey and the kiddos sat through a lecture on said honey but it wasn't the biggest part of our visit. We are talking petting zoo people!!! Which by the way Cameron could of cared less and halfway through was chanting 'bye bye! bye bye!' Your kids don't have to be big talkers to figure that one out. But to bad Momma was in a picture taking mood. I am barely hitting the tip of the iceberg on how many pics I took but you can only share so many goat pictures before some people may get bored ;) And they had the prettiest, yes I said prettiest, chickens!! SO many different breeds I have never even heard of. But man they strut their stuff allot so most of my pictures didn't turn out!

OK never mind I am getting a spit load more pictures ready!! I will try and keep my babbling to a minimum so you aren't sitting there forever (yeah right!)

Two big ole turtles!!! I took this picture for you and Danny, Miss Beka! :)
Here is Cameron after I yelled for him and he turned around with the 'what?' look on his face! I get it from Jason all the time so I am used to it.

The monkey pulls the string to bring the bucket of food to him. The kids got a huge kick out of that!!

Eerie monkey looking at us!!

A camera shy Kangaroo. This is the best I could get!

Well hello there Thanksgiving Dinner!! ;)

Mrs O 'helping' Cameron feed a goat! The goat was most appreciative!

This right here is a very pretty chicken. Most people don't get to use the words 'pretty' describing a chicken but they had so many different breeds of chickens that were so so pretty. But this little bugger was going to be the death of me!!! I wanted it's picture. Simple enough!! But it never stopped moving!! I just kept clicking away and had to throw away numerous blurred out shots of this silly Chicken. So this is what it's like to be paparazzi!!! This is the best out of all of them.

Yep there it is right smack dab in the middle.

Llama face Llama face!!!

See Cameron in the bottom corner. That goat is just positive this is the kid that will feed him!!! Silly goat!!

Mrs lmn-O (yep I have nicknamed her) forcing Cam to pet a goat. He didn't cry when he did it but he never would of stepped up to do it on his own. So I am glad she grabbed his little hand and took him over to it.

He played on this train forever!!!

Now I am going to share the moment with you that I am sure I almost died......I have no idea why Jason calls me a drama queen :P I am very close to this Emu's face. And this Emu did not look thrilled with the whole picture taking procedure. After this quick click I realized my face was less then a foot away from a rather huge irritated bird. So I lowered the really expensive camera and slowly backed away!! You will be glad to hear I survived the confrontation with my dignity intact!!!

This made me happy! It was a bridge that went over the pathway and led the goats to two separate holding pens.

Another pretty chicken.

And albino reindeer. Interesting.

Ah look it is Hannah and Josie if they were in goat form!!
I found this to be quite humorous!!

heehee! Now really the best part was getting Miss Olney all excited and she came over and was real nervous opening it up! Once she saw what was inside she laughed but then of course proceeded to kick me....or maybe hit me I don't remember she is a very violent woman ;)

OK not our finest moment as caregivers!! But the kiddos wanted to feed the monkeys so we put them over the fence to enjoy. The elderly gentleman who owns the place came out as fast as he could to ask us to please remove the children form arms length of a irritable known to nibble monkey!!!

Oh gee look the sign even says it!! ;)

Back to the monkey that we can play with!!

Well there we go Cameron's first field trip for the year! Mrs lmn-O already has plans for a Pumpkin Patch visit!!

Alright I am off to prep Hannah's birthday party pictures!!!


ssmqrcd said...

Yuck chichkens, yuck birds! There are NO pretty chickens!! All I could think of was, where is my jeep when I need it--run those suckers over. Yes deep seated fear from childhood and being chased by the rooster and gander! Okay, I need to find some valium and drink some tea. Then I'll be okay.
BTW I loved the pictures!! The monkey is so funny! Cameron looks adorable as usual!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it!! I especially love the white b's!! Too funny. Cameron looks like he really enjoyed it. sound like he has a awesome teacher!!! Cant wait to see the "silent Karokee party"...XOXO-Felisha

Sunny J said...

Gracious, is it just me, or is Cam starting to sport a Steen 'do???


Oh- and don't call Steen 'Steen' anymore- it reall y makes him mad!