Well he will be for 6 more years. His last 6 years as a matter of fact. Jason re-enlisted today. It was honestly up in the air if he was going to. 8 months gone from his family and 6 months in Iraq definitely makes you question some things. But in the end Jason knew that with only one enlistment left til retirement he really didn't have a choice. Besides the fact no good jobs had panned out fast enough to really consider getting out. So here we are 14 years later and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A military career is not very long. Only needs to be 20 years. You can go longer but it's not in my man to do that. And I am perfectly fine with that. 20 is enough. In just these 14 years alone we have had three kids, 4 states ( not counting Illinois ) 7 homes, to many TDY's and one Deployment to Iraq under our belts. I know there are no more kids in our future ;) But who knows what homes or states or TDY's we have left. And unless we have a miracle there will be more time in Iraq. If these next 6 years are anything like the last 14 it will be over before we know it!
Jason thought it would be cool to ask 2nd Lieutenant Sowell to do his re-enlistment because she has never done one before. Her first his last. She was so cute! I love her anyway cause she is a hugger!! I love huggers! I am a hugger. Can I have a hug?
Um yeah I cut Jason's hair this past weekend and kind of used the wrong guard. Which of course I didn't discover til I did the first swipe across the top of his head. Thank goodness it isn't cold here cause he is a wee bit bald :)
Magnum GI doing the infamous eyebrow! To know Jason is to know the eyebrow. He is exaggerating a bit here :)
I didn't realize Jas had sent word out about Lt Sowell's first enlistment. I am yakking my head off and come into a room full. So not expecting it. But to know Kara is to know her yakking :)
She had memorized the whole statement!! What a trooper. She was shaky in the middle but she came through. Of course Jason just has to repeat things so he gets no slack! And of course I am at the age where I ask. How old was she when we started this gig? Doesn't matter she hugged me :)
I had a 'official' Combat Photographer take our picture!! Pretty much it just sounds cool. Considering Johnny Stevens was next to him with his camera phone and probably got the same shot :) Cameron wouldn't look at them no matter who was taking the picture.
Not the best shot of Jason but it was the best shot of me and since it is my blog.........
Captain America saving the world from bad video!!!
OK is the 6 years over yet?
Oh yeah and Jason pointed out by the time he gets out Hannah will be the age he was when he got in. The man is trying to kill me!!