Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa joined the Air Force

Getting behind in my blog again! So this is from last weekend. Jason's Squadron had a Christmas party for the kids. Jason was in North Carolina at Fort Bragg working on a video of a Toy Drop that they do there. He was only gone a couple of days but in that time he missed the party. I took the kids and took lots of pictures of Josie 'helping' Cameron. I tried to explain to Josie it is not 'helping' when you do it all for him but put his name on it. I am joking with her cause she was so sweet to him the whole morning and he went along for the ride. He sat there so patiently while she did all the activities. And she was so cute 'helping' him do his. He never once made a fuss so I just let them be.

We live extremely close to Jason's work so I had sent Hannah over there early cause we had to provide our own small presents for Santa to hand out. Hannah ended up staying there to help them set up. She is an amazing help and I know they appreciated having her there.

The kids waiting for Santa to call out their names. Their presents are in a military issued duffel bag. He got it when he joined ;)

Josie trying to convince Santa that yes she was a good girl all year. You can't hear me but I am trying hard not to laugh.

Cameron wasn't scared but he had no interest staying any longer then he had to!!

Hannah giving her Mother a photo opportunity! She tried so hard not to sit on his lap because she thought she was to old. But we wanted a picture. Such a trooper!

Cameron got puppets! I cannot begin to tell you how stoked I was when I found these!! Puppets aren't cheap! I have been looking at them in hopes they might help Cameron get involved in story telling. He knew exactly what to do with them. So cute! A fireman, pirate, policeman and a cowboy. Jason can't use them they are to small! But we can and Cameron loves them!

Hannah got Dolphin earrings and a cool orange star necklace! She loves dolphins and the color orange. So Santa knew what he was doing.

No need to go to deep on this one. Josie and her Garfield books are legendary around here. She reads them so much they are literally falling apart. She slept with this one for the first few nights.

Well I know the kids really enjoyed themselves cause I had to drag them out after 3 hours!! But that is OK cause I have quite a few new handmade Christmas ornaments on my tree! My favorite kind of ornaments! I still don't understand why we have Christmas trees out once a year!! More Christmas festivities to come!!


Laurie and company said...

I love these pix, Kara. Thanks for posting. I can't believe how grown up Hannah is!! our babies are growing up TOO FAST!!
Where did you find the puppets? I think Levi would love those!
Hope you are doing well, and that your back pains are allowing you to get lots done. I will miss seeing you but I understand completely!! gotta get well! If you talk to your mom, just let her know that we will still plan on dropping by on C-mas eve! Love ya!! Merry Christmas to all of you

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.