Friday, December 7, 2007

I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite.

I , Kara Davis, am a Christmas Movie addict.
Hi Kara!
Well except for the Lifetime/Hallmark movies. Sorry I don't enjoy those. Happy movies please!! I enjoy Christmas movies that make me chuckle. Or outright belly laugh. Which I have to give full credit to 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation' and then of course 'Elf'. Oh and 'Scrooged' with Bill Murray!! But my one weakness is 'A Christmas Carol' I have seen almost every version of that story. And I own allot of them. Let's see my absolute favorite version is "A Muppet Christmas Carol' the Christmas season does not officially start til I have seen that one. And 'Scrooge' with Albert Finney. I so love that one. The end song/dance sequence 'Thank You Very Much' LOVE IT!! Not one of the usual faves amongst the critics but it makes me happy ;) Then of course 'Scrooged' as I mentioned above. I also read the book by Dickens's every year. I so love the story. But I shall reign myself in. No need to read a whole blog on Kara's Christmas Movie List!!

But I shall share Cameron's current faves.
"Olive the other Reindeer"
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" original of course.
"A Charlie Brown Christmas" which literally makes him laugh out loud numerous times. As you can see in this current picture. Sorry a bit blurry.

Admit it you can hear the tune!!!

Just a bit of my Christmas decor.

Look at my babies on their first Christmases!

I knew I was going to have a spare fake tree this year and all I could think about is she was going to be outside by my front door!! I love it!! The girls decorated it for me. And at night of course she is lit up with lights. When I hit the clearance racks this year my goal is to get outdoor themed decorations for it!! Mom has some pine cone garland she got for me and I am hoping to find some cardinal ornaments. AND!!! I hope to find another small and very cheap fake tree cause I want another tree in my kitchen with food based decorations!!! EEK!! I am so excited!! And of course my RaRa would be rolling her eyes right now because once again I am planning for NEXT Christmas. LOL

I know I know I did not share our tree in the living room. I am hoping to take it tonight when it is darker and I can light it up. OK I better go! I promised my cousin Laurie I would actually be productive today ;) So I shall pop in a favorite Christmas movie and get to creative work!!


Denise said...

Great christmas post! love it. Email me your address please mam! Thanks! Hugs!

Laurie and company said...

awwwww, this post made me so happy and yes, I COULD hear that Charlie Brown Christmas crazy Schroeder banging away in that dance scene...I managed to lose my copy of that movie! I'm so with you...I love all Christmas!! It's such a cheery, happy time! I love the pic of Cam laughing at the movie. Priceless!! Thanks for the Monday afternoon kick in the pants! Time to put on absolute FAVE!! Rock on Christmas kindred spirit!!

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