well for about 4 weeks. Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks that I had every intention of blogging but didn't.
So here coming up is one of Miss Josie B. There is a humorous story that goes with this picture. Granted it was probably funnier for me but I still want to share. All I wanted to do is take a quick pic of her at the computer. It was a very rainy day and I wanted to show how we spend days stuck in the house. So here I am trying to get you all a picture of Josie that was so beautiful it might of moved you all to tears and this is what I get.......

After numerous tries I gave up. Here is where I giggle. When I said I was done she noticed in one hand I was holding a candy bar. Chocolate Rules!! So she is literally following me around the house now saying 'Hey Mom if I smile really nice for you can I have some chocolate? Hey look Mom I can smile really nice now!!' Not jokingly she was dead serious. We are talking about chocolate and she is slowly but surely making her way into womanhood. Almost all women make sacrifices when it comes to chocolate. And this kid was willing to sacrifice her dignity and give her Mom a nice picture with a nice smile for one small bite of chocolate. I was so impressed with her bravery that I gave her a piece without turning the camera back on. But I won't lie I made her beg for just a bit ;)
Look at Cameron!!! I let him climb up on his stool and make a sandwich with a Boca Burger (yum!) I guess he takes pride in his work cause he actually started eating it. We were so shocked I was afraid to move him so I let him eat where he was :) Silly I am sure. My favorite part about his picture is he may be sitting on a kitchen counter in his diaper but it doesn't mean he has to be tacky about it! He looks so prim and proper with his legs crossed!

The next night I tried Mac&Cheese. I might as well just admit defeat when it comes to noodles because it is always 'no!'. Here it is the look on his face. 'What in the world are you people putting on my plate?'
Sentimental moment. When Jason was gone those 8 months and Cameron would spend hours on the floor drawing. I always dreamed about these two drawing together. This picture below was exactly in my head. The girls just don't enjoy it as much. But Jason's mini-man has is artistic ability as well as his toes. I might take a picture of that later ;)
p.s. for those of you wondering, and you know you are, yes Cameron does have clothes!! But it is stinking hot here and if you don't have to get dressed then why? Jas would be in his underwear too if he could. I was told I am no longer allowed :P

High School Musical 2!!!!
I , Kara Ann Davis, am a super dooper Mom. Oh yeah I can confidently say that. I freaking rock!! Hannah loves High School Musical. Zach Efron is the cat's meow by the way!!! So here we go the 2nd one is coming out!!! It came to me a week before the movie but I put together a party for her. Since Josie doesn't read my blog I will be honest with you all it was mainly for Hannah and her friends. But Miss Josie B had a friend over, too. 8 girls in my living room to watch a movie. I know what you are thinking but even crickets thought it was quiet in this house. They were so entranced!! We had pizza, popcorn and punch! Some girls left right after the movie and some spent the night. It went so smooth and the girls had so much fun. I am really glad I was able to put it together for them!!

This is Cameron's latest creation. I love these little people he draws. This one he even named after himself. Kinda looks like him. Being that it's not wearing any pants ;)

I am so serious when he drew this the TV wasn't even on!! But does this mean he watches to many movies?

And this is what is in my kitchen right now. Cameron was painting one day and made all these on his own. No one was helping him. We think he was making a dictionary!! Most of you have already seen these. They crack me up almost everyday.

I, of course, have a lot more to share but I am using you guys as an excuse to ignore my chores. Time to vacuum and get some laundry done. You know so Cameron can get dressed ;)