Thursday, January 10, 2008

I think it was Josie.

When I went to get the pictures of Mac off the camera this picture was in it. I have no idea who took it or even when because the game has cleaned up. But it makes me giggle that one of the girls took the time to set this all up just to take a quick picture. Back when I had to develop film I would pick packages of pictures up and find numerous posed shots of Josie's dolls. That is why I think she was the culprit.

This is a board game by the way called HeroScape. Jason and the girls get quite a set up going when they play. I love it!!


Anonymous said...

ahh, precious, they have a love for film like their mama!! You all should have a family business!! F.Floyd

Sherry at the Zoo said...

My boys love heroscape!

I like your blog...