Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mac Attack!!!

Introducing the newest member of our family! Mac!! Jason and I had briefly discussed bringing home a second dog for Zoe. It just seemed more in Zoe's nature to have a 'friend'. She would always get so excited and happy to see any other dogs. Hannah's friend Megan had brought her dog , Ace, over to 'play' with Zoe and she always got so hyper and running around him . Of course being the man that he was he completely ignored her ;) But taking on a dog is a big responsibility and we wanted to make sure it was something we really wanted. We had even been to the ASPCA to see how we felt.

Well it is a good thing we waited because the opportunity came to us to bring Mac into our home through my friend Danielle. I had already met Mac so I knew he was a sweetie. We arranged a 'play date' for the dog's and they got along swimmingly. So after he went home Jason and I talked about it and it was agreed. So now we are under a Mac Attack!!!!!

He has been here close to a week. For me I knew all was good when they were outside for over 3 hours. Why? Before Mac most of my day consisted of Zoe wanting in and out in and out. She would jump on our windows and backdoor wanting constant attention. And lots and lots of barking. Since Mac has been here they spend most of the day outside with no noise and Zoe has not jumped on our backdoor. She is happy out there cause she has the company she wanted. And today was the first day they slept side by side. And Mac is such a sweetie!!! For those of you who love Zoe you are going to be quite twitterpated with our Mac!!!

He loves him some tennis ball so I thought the perfect time to take his first pictures was when he was outside playing fetch!

Mac & Cheese
Mac-ademian Nut
Big Mac
Mac Daddy
Mad Mac Beyond Thunderdome
The possibilities are endless!!!!


ssmqrcd said...

I'm thinking blue heeler! Could explain the part barrel look he's got! LOL What a sweetie. I so think we need to get our Dinky Doo a playmate. The trampoline cannot take much more! Congrats girl!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you guys gave him a happy home...I am going to miss him so much but knowing he is loved by you guys makes it so much easier!...

Laurie and company said...

Awww, lookit all the happy little Davis people with their pooches!! that was very nice of you to bring a friend home for Zoe!
I personally like Mac Daddy.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, he looks wonderful, he is blessed to have such a rocking family..but I was really hoping you would have considered adopting me as a family pet first, I love your family!!..**pouts**F.Floyd