Monday, February 16, 2009

Cameron's Crazy 'C' Birthday Party

January 18Th. Obviously a couple of weeks before Cameron's real birthday but we wanted to celebrate while Jason was still here.

A little help making his cake. Wait til you see it here in a bit. Awesome!! He has no clue right now how cool it is going to be!

A quite moment with Daddy before the guests arrive.
All the revelers after we filled their belly's with 'C'heese pizza, 'C'hips, 'C'rackers, a veggie tray with 'C'elery, 'C'arrots, 'C'ucumbers, 'C'hex mix and 'C'aprisuns!!

Moving on to our 'C'raft. The kids got to paint on their own 'C'apes. Here is Melissa with her daughter Madison.

Present time. He actually enjoyed unwrapping this year!! Thank You so much to everyone who spoiled him!!
Now it is time for that awesome 'C'hocolate 'C'andy and 'C'ookie 'C'ake!!!

Seriously what kid wouldn't just love this kind of cake!?!

Later on that night playing with one of his favorite toys. Much love to the Buytas's for getting it. OF course poor Naomi was with me at Target when we hit the after Christmas clearance racks!! We made out like bandits!! And so did Cameron.

Playing with Daddy.

A nice simple evening with our friends to celebrate our little man turning 5!! The best part!? Spending the whole night coming up with 'C' words that could be incorporated into any part of the conversation. It amused me and Mike to no end. Try it out you will be surprised!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

BIG boy bed

The joy of blogging and taking pictures is I get to tell a story the way I want to. Well the pictures here truly do not tell you how the story really went. Cameron's official big boy bed got delivered today!! I have been excited all week. The delivery men left literally 5 minutes before Cameron got home from school. Which was perfect because in my head I was going to have a little boy that was so surprised and shocked by his new bed!! I had it all set up with his new Wall-E sheets and his killer cool Incredibles comforter that he has been in love with since I got it last weekend.

So here is my dilemma. Should I just let you guys see the pictures and assume how my moment went or tell you the truth?? Well first I will let you see the pictures and imagine how it should of went.

Seeing it for the first time.
Oh yeah the thing is HUGE! But I wanted a Captain's bed for the extra storage.
I know even with his foot stool he has to hop up!!
He went back and came around the corner again.
Ok and here is the truth. All those pictures were either luck or staged. He could of cared less about the bed. He still could care less about the bed. The only thing he cared about is he wanted his Incredibles comforter OFF of that bed. He did not want it on his new Wall-E sheets. I finally folded it down at the foot of the bed and convinced him to stop.

For the ones concerned about our bedroom 'theme' (and you know you are out there) we are going for a Disney Pixar's room. Once I get his Car's posters up I will show you all around. But I did want to share with you the new piece of furniture in our home and one of these days Cameron is going to realize how super cool it is and I will be there with my camera ready ;)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Monday Mornings

Well this used to be our normal Monday routine. Every Monday morning Cameron goes out to Mt Pleasant for Speech with Sarah and Occupational therapy with Christine. A couple of weeks back Christine went on leave to have her first child. Congrats to her of course!! She will be missed. But thankfully I had my camera with me on her last day. I thought it would be nice to show you the cool things Cameron gets to do on Monday mornings. This kids has got the perfect way to start off his week. Prepared to be jealous!

Saying good bye to Christine. Once again a battle of the titans!! You will look at me dang it!!

I am going to throw my shoe at him.

HAHA!! In your face!

After Christine we go play with Sarah. Here he is in the main playroom. We let him burn off some energy.

Sarah joining in.
Yes he does fly around this room at warped speed. There is so much to do!!

Time to get to work. Yes playing Cranium games is Cameron's version of work.

Listening to Sarah.

Making a choice.

His reward for cooperating is to get to play with some of Sarah's goodies.

Here he is working on First...Then. First you do a puzzle piece. Then.....

You get to spray your therapist with water.

Silly boy.

The end of our visit.

A sneak peek into Cameron's therapy on Mondays. After this I take him straight to school. It is a long day for him he normally spends every Monday evening watching a movie. But once again I point out what a awesome way to start the week!!

Giddy Up

I did it!! My Blog was FULL. I had hit full capacity. I could not add anything more to this poor thing. Of course the last time I did that Jason put on his cape swooped in and saved the day. This time I had to actually figure things out for myself. Not a strong trait in my female family history. So after hitting the side of the computer a few times I remembered something Jason did and voila I am back!! (Jason never reads my blog so I can put that I was hitting the computer with no fear of repercussions.)

A friend of mine had a carnival themed birthday party for her 6 year old son. How fabulous is that!?! The best part was the horse they got to come and give the kids a ride. The first time Cameron has ever come up against one of those and we were curious.

I seriously just love this shirt Mom got him!

Meeting the horse and sizing each other up.

The mount.

Steady Eddie.

On the move.

We seriously were ready in case he decided to freak out but he didn't.

But this look on his face cracks me up. He stayed on the horse for a couple of laps but it was serious business!! We are not here for a leisurely stroll.

Liam's turn!
Peace out with Josie B.

Hannah didn't want to. And I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of Megan. The girl is 5 ft and 7 and I think 5 feet of that is all legs! We teased her she could ride the horse if she held her feet up so they wouldn't drag.
My friend Carrie put on a fabulous birthday for her son Justin!! That is one lucky boy!!