Monday, February 16, 2009

Cameron's Crazy 'C' Birthday Party

January 18Th. Obviously a couple of weeks before Cameron's real birthday but we wanted to celebrate while Jason was still here.

A little help making his cake. Wait til you see it here in a bit. Awesome!! He has no clue right now how cool it is going to be!

A quite moment with Daddy before the guests arrive.
All the revelers after we filled their belly's with 'C'heese pizza, 'C'hips, 'C'rackers, a veggie tray with 'C'elery, 'C'arrots, 'C'ucumbers, 'C'hex mix and 'C'aprisuns!!

Moving on to our 'C'raft. The kids got to paint on their own 'C'apes. Here is Melissa with her daughter Madison.

Present time. He actually enjoyed unwrapping this year!! Thank You so much to everyone who spoiled him!!
Now it is time for that awesome 'C'hocolate 'C'andy and 'C'ookie 'C'ake!!!

Seriously what kid wouldn't just love this kind of cake!?!

Later on that night playing with one of his favorite toys. Much love to the Buytas's for getting it. OF course poor Naomi was with me at Target when we hit the after Christmas clearance racks!! We made out like bandits!! And so did Cameron.

Playing with Daddy.

A nice simple evening with our friends to celebrate our little man turning 5!! The best part!? Spending the whole night coming up with 'C' words that could be incorporated into any part of the conversation. It amused me and Mike to no end. Try it out you will be surprised!!

1 comment:

DChristoff said...

I can not believe he is 5!!!...I am sorry that I missed that party!...It looked like a lot of fun!...But now I know why I was so confused when you were talking about his party before his birthday...I thought I lost my mind or something LOL...
Glad you guys had fun!