But he did. He walked around with a flier he had from the pet store. For hours all we heard about was Beta 'shish'. And he is obsessed with Hannah's tank. Everyday he sits in his chair and watches them. For awhile it was just 2 in that big ole tank and he was content with just them. Hannah has added numerous more and it only makes him happier. So we knew letting him have his own little tank with his own little 'shish' wasn't going to be a waste.
Um hello? How does this face NOT deserve it's very own 'shish'!?!? We are only human people!!!!
And Cameron decided to be very very literal with naming this one. Beta. Why give yourself a headache trying to come up with a cool original name?
I really wish you guys could see our Hannah with him. She includes him with everything that has to do with this tank adventure she is on. Everything! He follows her around like a shadow and she loves it. Their relationship this past 6 months has been amazing and years from now when she is gone on to her own life I really hope he has the ability to remember it.
Another early present ;) Target had Legos on clearance!!! And since he was right there in the back of the cart it was next to impossible to hide them. I want to point out two things in this next picture. One: Legos are so much more fun when you play with them in your roos. I assume this is the theory because that seems to be the way Cameron prefers it. Two: look at the top of his head!! Bugger got ahold of a pair of scissors!!!
1 comment:
shish...love it!
that is how all of my kids have said that....it must genetic, eh?
I had not realized you were updating Organized Chaos so faithfully...forgive my lapse in commenting!
Love you all!
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