Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Butterball Day

I have none of the belly!!! Her teeny tiny itty bitty belly!!!

My friend Jenny of the couple 'George and Jenny' is expecting her first baby!!! She is due near Thanksgiving hence the nickname I had immediately come up with!! Butterball. George loved the nickname but I have never gotten a enthusiastic repsonse from Jenny ;) Tough noogies the newest addition to this world shall be affectionately called Butterball from Auntie Kara!! We have been friends with George and Jenny since Alabama. George worked with Jason. Then George got orders to Charleston and we knew we just couldn't live without him so we followed close behind! LOL No we got orders and got here 2 months after them. And for awhile there they were actually 2 doors down here in base housing!! How convenient is that!?! So Miss Jenny and I knitted together a few times and cooked together a few times. George helped us paint our house and I have a original George art masterpiece hanging in my house!! And for my blog devotees you might remember a thank you to George and Jenny for Miss Josie B's bed!!

But anywho I went to a baby shower Saturday for Jenny. Hannah went with me. We took a handful of pictures but it was a rather tight squeeze with as many of us that showed up to give Butterball Day some love so I had to have Hannah sit on the floor and click some pics. Jenny's friends had cameras too so she will have alot of shots. But I cannot believe I walked away with no pictures of her belly!! She is a GORGEOUS pregnant lady. And I say that with confidence cause I have traveled down this path 3 times and I was never this gorgeous!! You wouldn't even know she was pregnant if it weren't for the tiny little bump in front of her!!

It's a girl by the way! And I have decided it will have the color of Jenny's hair with George's curly Q's. Well I put my order in we shall see the end of next month if George and Jenny listened to me ;)

And no your monitors are not messed up my hair is pink!! I had done it for my Walk for the Cure. But don't tell Jenny I told her I had done it for her shower ;)

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