Thursday, January 22, 2009

Celebrating Christmas Turner Style

pant pant pant

Ok here we go!! One more fabulous family gathering. One more present opening extravaganza!! Just when you thought my children could not be anymore spoiled you are about to be proven wrong ;) But it is Christmas and they deserve it!

Some yummy treats Grandma Loni picked up. The kids got sugar rushes by just looking at them!
Grandpa Marvin and Grandma Ann. Sitting and watching and .hopefully, enjoying the chaos surrounding them!

I am beginning to think this is how Uncle Troy and Cameron cuddle.

I would say this is more like it but if you look Uncle Troy's muscles are bulging because he has Cameron in a death grasp. Oh yeah this is the guy I asked to care and love for my son this summer while I am in Chicago.

Oh good heavens a Christmas tree exploded!!

Let the chaos begin!!

Except for these to wise men. They just sat here discussing important stuff and let then presents come to them!

Sergeant: It's... it's bedsheets!
Mr. Potato Head: Who invited that kid?
A drawing board for the computer. Jason actually got one too. But his was for adults and didn't come with a Diego cartridge. He got gypped ;)

Oh I love it that Joshua got an educational video!

The year of the Twilight gifts!

You have no idea how much Jason and I loved the fact that this kid got a monkey puppet. If you knew Justin you would understand. It was so perfect!

Grandma Ann FINALLY getting what she has been asking for almost 15 years!

A picture of her boys in uniform. There are more. Of them together and of them with their Mom. She absolutely loved it!

Jason's gift to his Mom. A lovely sketch of each Grandbaby!

Oh my lord!! Is it normal for someone to have such massive cheeks!?!

Once again many shots were taken and once again the words 'Josie stop!' were said numerous times. She will eventually outgrow that right!?! But a none to shabby shot!! All because of Jason and Troy.

A good day with Jason's family!! Our holidays in Illinois are almost over now. Next we are going to visit Jason's Dad during our travels back to South Carolina!!

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