Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!

Cameron in his roos playing with his new toy! I have almost the same shot of Jason but decided none of you are really ready for that!

OK here we go a night out for the adults!! It is New Years Eve and Jason and I are going to the Buytas's. This is why we came home a couple of days early. Naomi's parents are in from England spending the holidays with her. I want to meet them!
Jason showing off his usual level of enthusiasm!!

Zyllah hosing down the neighbors yard that might be considered a bit hotter and slightly more charred after our fireworks display. Basically what I am saying is the neighbors yard was set on fire from an errant firework. The men stomped it out in good time and we might of had a good laugh considering we had consumed a few drinks. But I promise you it was a small patch and no one got hurt.

This picture was taken immediately after we found out it was the New Year!! I have high hopes for a great 2009 but a small part of me was sadden by the fact we will be spending most of it a part. At this point we had a little over 3 weeks left til Jason was set to leave for 8 months.

I had him retake it. Granted the cleavage looks great but half of one of my cheeks is missing ;)

Now these pics are from Naomi's camera!! May I have the pleasure of introducing you to Zelda and David Gunn. I knew I was going to love them the minute I walked in the door and saw David in a kilt. A legitimate Scotsman in a legitimate kilt.

Naomi and Gigi.

Seriously a man in a kilt!! Being friends with Naomi for all this time is finally paying off!! (let's see how often she checks my blog on how fast I get in trouble for that one lol)

This poor girl is responsible for entertaining me for most of 2009. If she knew she might not be smiling at the moment. I will keep it a secret from her for as long as possible!!

Happy 2009 everyone!! Here's to another year of memories that I get to blog and share with you!

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