Saturday, May 26, 2007

How I survived Chicago! Part Tatu!!

We were-
Ladies who Breakfast.

Ladies who get Manis and Pedis.

Ladies who Target.

My first day with Erin ever. Just her and I. She is the cutiest pa-tootiest. And very much a girl. Love it!!! All those SAHM out there understand (and even my brother)! We don't always get to be girly. So we ladies were up and ready to go for our day together. Of course started off with breakfast. Check this place out it was so cute!!

The inside was so cute (and so small!) but check out the linoleum floor and the old 50's style table and chairs! I loved the bright colors they had painted the walls. It was pretty crowded so taking the camera in wouldn't of been that easy. I kind of like this shot though looking through the front doors :) The weather was so nice though so we ate outside. As most Ladies who Breakfast do!

Look at our breakfast!!!! It is actually pretty!

I had a loverly plate of pancakes. You just can't go wrong with pancakes!! On the menu it said you can add chocolate chips OR bananas. OR!?!? I can't handle these huge life altering decisions!! I looked at my waitress with a look of panic and I think she could read the struggle in my eyes. 'You want both don't you?' My Angel!!! Oh yeah she is getting a BIG tip! They were soft fluffy pancakes that just needed a hint of syrup.

Check out Erin's breakfast below! She ordered Eggs Benedict over Crab cakes. I came so close to ordering that but I have had some pretty bad luck with crab cakes in the past. I had accepted it as my fate in life to never get to enjoy a good crab cake. So I didn't order it. But Erin was so sweet and left the last bite for me and I tell you what it was delish!!! But check it out! You all get one guess on what was Erin and I's favorite part of her meal..........

The flower of course!!!
I kept it in my hair for quite sometime!! The poor darling struggled during our pedicures because of the steam from the water. And I kept leaving it all over the place but the women there were so cute and made sure I got it back every time. But no worries we got her home and got her into a bud vase.

Aren't we the most adorable Ladies who Breakfast!?!?! OK I promise I am done saying that now. Mainly because we are moving on to Ladies who get Manis and Pedis!!!

The picture above is the place we went to. I didn't take any pics inside. It was all about relaxing and being spoiled. Erin convinced to get a pedi. I have never had one before. If there was anything to get pictures of it is when the lady scrubbed the bottom of my feet! I am about to let you all in on a little known secret about me. It is very hard to actually tickle me until you get to the bottom of my feet. You could breath heavily on them and make me scream with laughter. So scrubbing the bottom of my feet!?!? Forget about it it took everything in me not to accidentally kick the woman in the face. I was dying laughing. For those of you who may not know I have a loud laugh ;)

So how does one round out a fabulous morning of food and fingernail polish!?!?!


I have decided the word Target should be a verb.

Erin had told me before we had left their place we had to 'swing by' Target because their coffee grinder had broken. Shoot no need to ask me twice I can handle me some Target! I feel like Erin should of forewarned me. I was not emotionally prepared for what I was about to see. A 2 story Target with a parking garage!!!! A piece of me wishes I could of had some of my other Target lovers with me. Erin had been there so many times before she was immune to it's beauty. If it had been cloudy that day the moment I walked through the front doors is when the clouds would of parted and a single ray of sunshine would of came down on me as I walked through! They even had their own angels at the front door singing 'aaahhhhhh'!! And just when you thought it couldn't be more spiritual......a Starbucks.

hold on I am feeling a little amongst yourselves.........I'll give you a topic the peanut was neither a pea or a nut........discuss!

So here I am in the Happiest place on EARTH!! With a Caramel Frappucino. Can it get any better then this!?!?! Oh but yes it can! Check this out!
I am standing in stationary. And I actually stood there for a bit hoping for a cart to come down. But those middle ones are for your cart. After about 20 times Erin said I couldn't play on it anymore. Besides the fact people were getting tired of me grabbing their carts and putting on there even if they weren't going up or down ;)

OK so we shopped til my checking account dropped! And then we headed home. We ordered pizza at this one place that I had before. It is so good that I ate way to much. Actually had to lay down and let my tummy recuperate! We were heading out that night to the neighborhood bar to celebrate one of Jeff and Erin's favorite humans birthday!! Allot of their good friends were going to be there. I was going to wear my new swimsuit from Target but Jeff said no!! So I wore my twirly whirly new skirt.

Wow that was a tough pic to share.

Yeah I know it looks like my brother is just humoring me. He loves me!! My therapist promises that no matter what Jeff says he still loves me.

Oh yeah you can tell one whole day with me was enough for this poor girl ;) Just kidding my therapist says she still loves me too!! And I wonder where Cameron gets his 'scrunchy nose'!!

We were on our way to this place. Next day shot of course. I didn't take my camera. We had great food and there was some great people there I got to talk to. They will have to step up and correct me if I am wrong but I think this is where Erin and Jeff met :)

I only drank water there cause Miss Kara is starting to slow down. We got home about midnight and even though I felt tired I thought I had some juice left in me. So I ate that previously mentioned muffin from the day before. A little zap in the microwave and some butter! Heaven!! Jeff even made some special popcorn and we settled in to watch 'Wet Hot American Summer' it was so Cheesetastic!! And I mean that in a Ghouda kind of way :) But I think I made it about halfway through and then I told Jeff I just had to go to bed. We would have to finish up tomorrow.

So off to bed I went to rest up for the next day. I wonder what we have in store.................


Laurie and company said...


I am SOOOOOOOOOO Jealous!!

Breakfast WAS beautiful!!

I think I heard you laff when the chick did your pedi!! I am so with you on that, that is one of the reasons I have never had one, because I am NOT ticklish but I DO NOT want someone touching my feet 1.) they are feet 2.) they are ticklish!! so that was refreshing to hear!! I'm sure the pedi was beautiful though...would you do it again??

A 2-STORY TARGET??? I am again so envious!! I think I would have to had played on the escalator with you...omigosh! A lovely sight for sure!!

Day Tatu has been my favorite thus far!!

The pic of you and Jeff is wonderful, and the one of you by yourself is super-de-dooper also. It IS hard for us SAHM's to break down and show ourselves! Kudos to you!

Thank you for sharing this, Miss Kara...a wonderful day with your bro's lady!! A lasting memory!!

Love it!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the fall.

Denise said...

Ok woman! I am now going to start reading your blogs with a freaking dictionary! You have to be a closet author! Come on it's me your lovely friend Denise you can tell me! It'll be our little secret! :) No seriously you make me want to go hang out with Erin! Can she take in a stray? I've never been to Chicago before. LOL. On to the next. HUGS