Friday, May 25, 2007

I hungry

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program of Survivor: Chicago with a brief blog about Cameron.

I know I know everyone wants my next installment of my Chicago trip. But yesterday I had such a great moment with Cameron that I just have to share!!

Most of you know Cameron struggles with a pretty significant speech delay. It not only affects his ability to communicate with us but our ability to communicate with him. For reasons unknown to me Cameron would tell me 'cup' when he was thirsty but would never tell me he was hungry. No matter how in tune you are with your kids when they are just standing there whining for an hour it sometimes takes a bit to figure out what is wrong. You go through the list of things to offer then realize he wants food. I have been working on it for months. When I would realize he was hungry I would ask over and over 'Cameron are you hungry?' he never once replied and I could never get him to repeat it. There were times when I would let him whine and stay hungry hoping it would click still asking over and over 'Cameron are you hungry?' But the strongest of Mother's know you can only take so much whining ;) Well these past couple of weeks Cameron finally started repeating me after I asked him if he was hungry. His little voice would say 'Hungry?' OK we are getting there. Thursday after school as I was buckling him in he said 'I hungry'. I kind of assumed he was just babbling cause he had lunch at school. But as we were driving he kept saying it 'I hungry' so I offered him a sandwich and he was excited and ate it all. Yesterday I was taking a nap in my room and he came in and jumped on me laughing. Once he realized I was fully awake he said 'I hungry!' I asked if he wanted popcorn and he ran out of the room and went straight to the microwave. He has known what popcorn is for awhile now ;) Just coming to me when he realized he was hungry, doing an elbow drop in my gut, and saying 'I hungry' was a definite sentimental Mommy moment ;)

I know it is two simple words. But to me with all the struggles I have had with Cameron they are two perfect little words.

'I hungry'


Laurie and company said...

Amen to this!

those words we take for granted with our other children are as pure honey when spoken from our little third and fourth sons'!

Denise said...

How wonderful!!!! I'm so happy for you! HUGS!