Friday, March 28, 2008

100% MAN !!!!

Happy Birthday Jason! 35 years old!!

A few gray hairs on the side of the head now. A wee bit extra around the tummy line. And he goes to bed much earlier then he used to.

But he is still a computer nerd. Still doodling all the time. Still a reader. Still a metal head!

Back on to the hardcore face! Grandma Ann doesn't like it!!

Back in the day this pose would be obvious. Now it just looks like he is sticking his gut out ;) Thank goodness he doesn't read my blog!

How can this one NOT be on the next Air Force recruitment poster!?!?

The Magnum of course ;)

Rock on Jason!! Here's hoping you have at least another 35 years!Tomorrow we are going to celebrate with dinner and his favorite eclair dessert!


Laurie and company said...

Happy Birthday, Jason...

You are quite the ad for the Air Force, no doubt! makes David want to join up.

hope your b-day celebration was a fun one!!

Laurie etc

Sherry at the Zoo said...

Happy Birthday Jason. Thanks for serving our country. You rock!