Friday, March 7, 2008

Catching Fufferflies!

Oops Cameron found his Easter present. He was so cute about it!! Whatever is a Momma to do!?! Well let him have it of course!! ;) It was the game 'Elephun'. Jason and I had gotten it from Wal-Mart and put it in our closet. Problem was the closet door was wide open. Oops. So I did a little tap dancing. I had some money leftover from his birthday from my Mom so officially this is a birthday present from Grandma Linda!! Isn't she fabulous?

Ok this one coming up may have to be blown up and printed. Look how happy he is!!

Josie B being crafty again. She is sewing paper flowers and beads unto a piece of card stock. It's not quite done. I will share it when she is finished!!

The weather here is Charleston is WET!! Serious downpours going on right now. Saved me in a way cause I was going to do floors today. No need to waste my time now. We are having friends over tonight for some Enchilada Soup!! A hands down favorite of the Davis family and their friends!! Alright I may not be doing floors but that laundry won't fold itself :P


Sherry at the Zoo said...

We had that game when the kids were younger. Man, it sucked up the battery juice that's for sure, but it was also very, very fun!

Sunny J said...

LOVE it. I know Grace would enjoy it, but not sure about the boys. Jon would get the Nerf gun and try to annihilate the butterflies; Justin would be momentarily mesmerized, then forget what he was supposed to do. Josh would look on, bored and unimpressed.

Why can't they stay in the Sesame Street/Thomas the Tank Engine/Garanimals stage forever???

Sunny J said...

LOVE it. I know Grace would enjoy it, but not sure about the boys. Jon would get the Nerf gun and try to annihilate the butterflies; Justin would be momentarily mesmerized, then forget what he was supposed to do. Josh would look on, bored and unimpressed.

Why can't they stay in the Sesame Street/Thomas the Tank Engine/Garanimals stage forever???

Sunny J said...

Sorry about the double post- didn't mean it.

Darbalicous said...

The girls had that game. They loved it. I loved it, until I found the butterflies all over the house and the catchers outside in the mud/snow/etc. It looks like Cameron has orange the earlier pics.