Tuesday, March 4, 2008


A couple blogs back, you might remember, I mentioned that Josie's door came off. Not accidentally of course but because someone had pushed her Daddy a smidgen to far. Any who point being before Josie's door came down it squeaked. Loudly!! So she knew whenever anyone went in her room. And Josie is a private creature. Which I respect. To a point. But all I would have to do is go in there for laundry and she would come running. Well since the door has come back on it makes absolutely no noise! Which she hates. I am babbling about all of this cause Josie saw me put the pictures on the post of her room and was quite fussy I had been in there without her knowledge. It is a hard knocked life for Miss Josie B. But I believe she will persevere ;)

This is why I was in her room. She liked my flower and wanted to make her own. I almost never say no to any of my kids wanting to be creative.

After this point Josie has been knocked unconscious so she would not be aware of the fact her Mother is in her room with the camera ;)

It just dawned on me I will have to sneak back in there to show you better shots of her paint by number pictures. The one of the horses and the one of the sleeping dog. She really gets a kick out of doing them!!

I love Josie's girls. She has acquired a style of her own. And when she draws she has a tendency to make these girls over and over but with different hair and make-up and clothes. Her art teacher even loves them. I will definitely take pictures of more of them!!

Oh yes and now Hannah has sight!! Her eyes went kaput this past year. Last year her eye exam went well and this year there was a significant difference. I love these frames she picked out!!

Alrighty it is past my bedtime. Tomorrow I hope to share a very happy little boy that accidentally found his Easter present. His face is priceless!!


Sherry at the Zoo said...

Wow...she has some talent, doesn't she! Her pictures are great...keep encouraging that artistic streak in her!

Sunny J said...

Hannah and her specs are quite 'smashingly mature'! It seems like just yesterday she was peeing in my pool; now? Puberty hits with a vengeance!

PS: Stay out of Oakwood. Josh has friends. 15/16 year old friends. Hormonal friends. Not good.