Friday, March 14, 2008

March version of 12 on the 12th

Another stroll through Kara's house!! I like to say this is for my Mom but actually I am getting a kick out of documenting my house. I know that in a few years I maybe somewhere new. Here's hoping that Brenda and Darby think this is a cool idea too. Hint hint hint!! ;)

Once again the creative process hit me!! I have to let you know that I do completely clean this table before I start a new project. I have to or I get fussy and walk away. This is what my table looked like in the middle of my newest adventure!

Christmas? Seriously? Of course!! I was having a BAD day. Fussy fussy. So I was cleaning out some magazines that if I let get to bad I could officially be labeled a 'hoarder' and it was the Christmas 'Home Companion' magazine my Mom had sent me. I flipped though it one more time before throwing it away and was struck by the pretty photography and especially the pretty colors. Blue and silver! I just wanted to play!! Jason doesn't like it. Bye Jason!! He has been officially booted and is now living in our van ;)

So once again I am wondering through my house taking random pictures for my Mommy :)

This cabinet is next to my front door. All my Japanese goodies. Almost all of them are from Darby when her and her ex-hubby were stationed in Japan. So Darby is to blame for my addiction!! Brenda helped me out when she was in Korea!! She still has dishes that she says she is going to deliver to me in May. When she comes to visit!!! YEAH!! And the top shelf you will , kind of, see the girl's Birthday Girl figurines! They get one every year form my Mom. I will get some good pictures of those soon!!

These are above Jason's drafting desk. I wanted him to be represented in this room too. I think they are pretty.

A down and out Zoe. Looking pity-thetic. I may have to give her a treat.

This cracks me up. His hair is already growing and as you can see it is growing in a million different directions!! He is so going to have a long goofy looking phase!!

I was on the Internet looking up books for Miss Josie B. Here are some of her favorite.

Let us step into my bedroom ;) Nothing naughty just showing you what is up on my walls.

I may have to let Audrey go. I love these posters but she is taking up prime wall space right now. I haven't decided. I will let you know.
Well I am done wandering around!! But don't worry I am sure I will be pitter pattering around again real soon!

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