That was taken last year at Cameron's school. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving lunch. I find myself going to this picture alot. When I see it I see a Mom looking at her son with love and a little boy who is holding on to so many secrets. That is what Autism with my 4 and a half year old son feels like to me. Secrets. Jason and I are forever wondering what is going on in his little head. And of course ALL of us are trying to figure out a better way for him to actually tell us. We are a family in constant frusteration because all we want is a way to communicate with him. But as with most kids with Autism he is the ones calling the shots and we just go along for the ride. Hoping that somehow we stumble upon something that works.
Well life threw us some curve balls. We have lost his teacher of the past year and a half, Mrs lmn-O, because the school, in all of their infinite wisdom, thought it would be best to close down her classroom. We lost RaRa and the boys. Our beautiful boys. Hunter and Parker have moved to Arkansas. They are missed everyday. These people had a HUGE impact on Cameron's life. But we move on.
We are starting ABA Therapy. It is a much more intensive approach to Autism. We never approached it before because in all honesty Cameron is one of the most low key Autistic kids you will ever meet. None of us really thought he needed it. We have met Zahra his new therapist. Tall and gorgeous by the way ;) And this is going to be consuming. 3-4 therapy sessions a week. We have a therapy group calling us back to give us info on new speech therapy and occupational therapy. Which will be at least one 2 hour session a week. And as of right now he will be in school from 11:45 til 2:30 everyday starting the 19th in Mrs Carle's classroom. ACK!!! But it all equals new hope for me.
And what do we have if we don't have hope?