Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Don't call it a comeback!!

Actually we can and we WILL!!!

Right there on the side of Cameron's head. Yeah right there!! Do you see it!?!

Oh yeah baby that is a flip!! The inevitable beginnings of the infamous Flippy Dippy Do!!!! I have been waiting for MONTHS!!! I just think my little man looks....well like Cameron when he has a more longer carefree hairstyle. His Surfer Do. Not that he didn't look like a big boy with the shorter hairstyle I just never felt like it fit his personality! And of course the fact he actually has flip capability really helps.

OK yes a whole blog on Cameron's hair but anyone paying attention knew the level of despair I felt having to cut it all off a few months back. Finally seeing that little flip on the side of his head made me smile :D

And so does this picture. He is saying 'Cheese!' :D

1 comment:

DChristoff said...

YES!!!...This made my day!!!...I am so glad his hair is growing back in!