Friday, July 11, 2008

Gracie Lou Freebush is SIX!!!

Ever since they named her she has been Gracie Lou Freebush to me!! 'Miss Congeniality' for my non-movie addicts.

My first Illinois blog!! I have to let you know that I am blogging backwards. Jason accidentally took my first half of pictures and put them on his work computer!! So instead of making you wait any longer I am working with what I've got and that is Grace's 6Th Birthday party at Grandma Loni and Grandpa Paul's house!

One of the only shots of me in Illinois so I thought I'd better share. Getting ready to head out and par-tay!!

Yeah Troy put Jason on grill duty. I warned Troy.....more then once. Jason does NOT enjoy grilling. We actually had numerous discussions about this fact while I was home. I came from a grilling family!! All men in my family sleep with a turner in their hands a piece of charcoal under their pillow. So I got married assuming my hubby would be grilling every summer. Um....15 years later and no. Not saying he hasn't stood in front of a grill but he has never caught on to the joy of it all. So Troy gave Jason grill duty and was a bit shocked that Jason wasn't as thrilled as he should be.
Yeah that face didn't look any happier til we were all done eating ;)

Forget 'Land of Lincoln' we are in the 'Land of CORN!'

Josie and Justin!

Hannah and the Birthday Girl!!

Grandma Ann gave Cameron a bus!! Cameron LOVES buses! But I just couldn't get him to look at me. Onery little bugger :D

Our oldest nephew Joshua with his little sister!!

Jonathan who becomes a teddy bear when he is around his Grandma Ann. I loved this moment and I adore this picture!!

Actually this was supposed to be a picture of Joshua's ugly foot!! This kids int he background is just a bonus ;)

Paul and Grandpa Marvin. Who had surgery a few weeks prior!!! He was doing GREAT!!

Josie delicately eating a hotdog!!

Jason playing with the kids. He was smiling by now!

Well no sport scholarships for Josh! ;)

I am not sure what they paid for these kind of front row seats but I hear they were killer!!

This girl is into High School Musical!!! Sorry I have no cake pictures they didn't turn out!!

I am trying to figure out a way to get Justin here on a regular basis!!! He kept Josie outside ALL day!!!
Alright I am keeping this short because I have so many pictures to share and I don't want to bore you all ;) Jason already brought me the rest so no worries there!!! My next excerpt will be 4th of July!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, super cute- especially the Jon/Gma shot and the Justin/Josie bonding. Justin loves everyone- even reclusive cousins. And since Jon says Josie is 'mean,' I assume this means Justin actually LOVES her, because he likes his women BOSSY and IN CHARGE!!!