Monday, September 29, 2008

Pet Fest 2008

Our last morning with Miss Kati! And the base was having a Pet Fest at the pool. All our babies were given the option of swimming like their breed intended. Basically at this point and time we are not in awe of the breeds we are in awe of the WHIMPS we brought all the way down here!! Once again be glad you stayed home Sara! This is Ace with Megan. This big boy was cracking me up. It was so obvious he was barking at her to tell you to save herself. He was so serious!

Hannah coaxing Zoe into a sweet sweet surrender. Become one with the pool. Swim away like other retrievers before you!

A quick pause for everyone to admire Miss Megan's inevitable future in swim suit modeling!

And this is Zoe swimming to the edge. I am thinking in T minus 5...4...3...2....1....oh yeah she is biting us all!!! Actually it was a more of a 'I know when you sleep' kind of look.

Ace and Megan!

Now it is time to convince Kati. BTW Kati has enough power to make Jason tumble over. She has well for making up that leg deficit. Don't count her out she is a strong woman! And this woman says loud and proud! 'Hell No I won't go!!'

Cameron is quite confused why we are trying to be entertained by shoving unexpected dogs into his swimming pool!

Hannah trying to bond woman to woman with Kati. Trying to explain the swimmers build that some of us women can pull of so well!

And Kati said no! I don't even have pictures of her mere seconds in the water she got out so fast and was strutting out the door!

Jason with his ladies!!
Our last shot of Kati Bo Bati. The three legged wonder dog!!

Danielle's parents were able to come get her. She will be family she has known her whole life. That made letting her go so much easier. What time we did have with her was precious! Thank you Danielle for trusting me with your dog. She was definitely a pleasure!

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