Monday, July 16, 2007

Blog Slacker!!

Here I was teasing my friend Shay for being a blog slacker and look at me!! I do have a small excuse!! My blog was completely full!! I couldn't add anymore pictures. Of course it is a bit silly of me not to blog just because I don't have pictures. But go ahead and admit it you all don't come on here to read what I have to say ;) You just flip through my pictures. So anywho Jason and I got on here and did some picture vacuuming and I can now entertain you with snippets of our life.

I decided to go back a bit. I was going to give you a beach filled blog from our morning at Sullivan's Island but to be honest even I am bored of beach pictures. Who'da thunk it! I love how my cousin Laurie has pictures of just their everyday life. And to be honest I take those quick pictures with the intention of blogging them and then I never do.
So I am going all the way back to May with a picture I took of Cameron playing with Play-Do. I would love to pretend little man came up with this all by himself and say he is pure genius but I can't :) Jason was sitting with him and rolling out letters to spell Cameron's name. Eventually Jason left the table but Cameron stayed there for actually quite some time. Finally I walked over to check out what he was doing and saw he had copied Daddy! It is still pretty impressive considering he sat there so patiently til he got it all done!

Our next installment is a picture for Aunt Darby! She had given Cameron a Doodle Dinosaur for his Birthday. And he just never played with it. The girls doodled on it all the time. But all of a sudden one day he decided it was the best toy ever!! Mainly because it listened so well. I was sitting here on the computer and I could hear Cameron say 'night night' and then I saw him walk down the hallway with his Dino. I followed him into his room and caught this cootie patootie moment!!

You know he has read to that dinosaur numerous times and it always goes to bed no problem afterwards! :) He still has no desire to draw on it!!
OK now we are back to more current times. Our first trip to the beach with Josh I had taken this little gem later that day. Now I am being a good wife. I have a much more unflattering angle of this shot. I was standing on the other side clicking away when I realized I was literally shooting up Jason's nose. ( insert joke here I am still being good ) Once again I go back and remind you all if he isn't dreamy I don't like sharing him ;)

Look at my men!! I also think Jas might of heard the camera clicking cause his mouth is now closed, too. Yeah nowhere near flattering. Cameron, of course, A-dorable!!

Now this picture is for Aunt Erin. I was talking to her about Cameron's love of painting and how I would like to get squeeze droppers for him to use. I am always trying to think outside the box for ways to paint with him. Well Miss E works in a lab and told me she could hook me up. So she gave them to me in Chicago. I took some pictures to share with her to let her know it worked fabulously!! You have to add water to the paint which means it takes a bit longer to dry. Cam never sticks around for that part anyway ;)

We were working on paper plate fish this day!!! I have them and need to hang them up! I will get a picture of that when his room is done!

Oh are we in trouble now!!!! This next picture was just taken because Cameron has gotten such a kick out playing Cookie Monster this day.

It has so evolved into something more serious!!! A couple days later it was him coming up to us and pretending he was eating a cookie!!! Cute Cookie Monster noise and hands up to his face and everything. Now seriously how can you say no? Well you don't!! Then he could find the website. Well Jason wanted to give him his own log in that he could just play his games and we didn't have to worry about him renaming any of our programs. Which yes he has done and he renamed it 'apple'. So Jas gave him a Blue's Clues icon and it had his name and he would click on it. Jason had all his websites set up so he just had to click. Well if we were in our log on he still had to wait for us to switch over. Of course with everything else with Cameron he watched us enough times and today he walked over to the computer went down to 'start' scrolled up to 'switch user' and got into his own log on and started his game!! Which by the way he was supposed to be in bed and next thing we know he is playing 'cwoos cwoos' aka Blue's Clues ;) Way to keep us on our toes little man!!!

WOW!! Alot of babbling :) I have pics of the older babies but I guess it would be smart of me to spread out the love!! I also have a blog of our nephews and niece in Illinois. No worries I won't go this long in between blogs again!!!


Sunny J said...

It's about time, woman! Sheesh! (I was going to say to share my blog with others, but there may be some questionable content coming, so.. let me think about it!)

ssmqrcd said...

Muhaaaa!! (evil slacker laugh!) Love the pictures! What a great idea, I take those too, but didn't think to blog them. YOu are such an inspiration to us little people! Much love!

Anonymous said...


I love reading your blog!! You inspire me to do my own, but not yet, I have Bunco on the brain!!


Denise said...

LOVE the pictures of Cameron. He's soooo adorable. Thanks for sharing!

And you are a slacker. You should feel guilty. Keeping all these poor people in suspense! :)

Anonymous said...

I would like the spelling and painting photos via snapfish please. I like the real world blog.