Monday, November 5, 2007

Cameron's Halloween Party

One last Halloween blog!! These are actually from Halloween Day. That would of been one long blog down there if I would of added these! But these are from Cameron's classroom. A little Halloween party for the kiddos. I brought cupcakes with icing and sprinkles for the kids to decorate their own. Mrs lmn-O and Mrs Simmons of course had other activities for them. I won't babble to long in this one cause there are quite a few pics. Here is Cameron decorating his frame. I am actually quite happy cause Cameron didn't know I was in the room! Last year didn't go quite well with me volunteering int he room. Cameron was known to throw a couple of fits or quit participating in classroom activities. He said 'Hi' and got excited to see me but continued on with what the teachers had planned for him. Maybe Mrs lmn-O will let me come and play more often!!


None of the other kids guessed right! Let's see if Cameron is a genius?

GENIUS!!! Wait a tick is that Milk Duds!?!?! Mommy sure does love her some Milk Duds!!!

After this picture was taken Cameron's Mommy schmoozed him the best way she knew how. Which of course did NOT work so she waited til his back was turned. HAHAHAHA!!! What? We are talking Milk Duds people!!! Thank goodness we weren't talking 3 Musketeers I may of gotten a detention :P

Bring on the cupcakes!!

I am not sure about the face. It just makes me happy!!

I can tell this cupcake is going to be a masterpiece!!

Some sprinkles!

He sat there forever just swirling the icing with his knife! I popped off the bottom cause of course as we all know we don't actually EAT icing. Icing is there to fear not enjoy.

It was a great classroom visit. Which I hope he keeps this trend up of letting me come in without a meltdown. Mrs lmn-O says that she is having a Thanksgiving Luncheon in the classroom!! Woohoo!!

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