Sunday, November 11, 2007

Puzzles and Video Games

Uncle Troy lied to Miss Josie. I just thought I would throw that out there. Also I like the thought of making Troy blush ;) I know I am bringing up Josie and sharing Hannah but it really is Josie that loves to do puzzles. Hannah likes them. Josie LOVES them. When Troy came out to visit us a couple of months ago Josie talked to him on the phone and he told her that he loves to do puzzles. It didn't take much observation on my part to figure out real fast that Uncle Troy was quite miserable with puzzle activities. He did perk up when I offered to bring out some 10 piecers that Cameron still had. Being even he is past those ;)

I like this shot Jason took of Hannah. Josie and Hannah had recieved a box of puzzles from a friend and they sat for numerous evenings going through them. I love seeing them do those quiet activities. Well as quiet as it can be in between 'HANNAH!!" and a few 'JOSIE!!' They are still sisters :)

Hannah took a quick picture of her finished products right before she had to clear off the table. I wish we had room for a puzzle table. I know Josie would love that.

The girls are only allowed very limited time on video games. None at all during the school week. A very loud and proud mean Mom I am :) Cameron is actually hooked up to the game and kind of impressed us that he realized what he did with the controller affected what happened on screen. He was cracking us up because he kept saying 'Aw man!'

Jason almost caught a good shot of Cameron laughing at the game but he had jumped up in his little seat and it was way to blurry. I know it isn't much but it is cute for me to actually see all 3 kiddos quietly doing something together!!

1 comment:

Laurie and company said...

awww, these are cute family pics of the Davis kiddos! you have inspired me to get a few puzzles for the winter season.
I am so with you on the video games. We have an old system now and I swear, it kills me to see them doing that but when they all play together or include Levi, it maketh my heart to swell.
Loved your Guy Fawkes celebration! and your group of girls!! Amen to having a group of girls to trudge thru this thing called life with!! every husband should know that it is of utmost importance! wish you lived closer to me. do you think we would be sharing brunch?